I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.
I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.
The saga of Teen Girl Selfie Simulator came to a close this week, and it’s been quite a trip. My heart still aches…
Twice in recent weeks, we’ve gotten to watch hotly anticipated Congressional hearings, in which mostly male…
Amy Schumer finally took her turn as the host of Saturday Night Live and, as typical of the show, it was uneven, but…
This is a good Tweet.
There’s a perfectly legitimate reason for that face paint.
I felt like going political today for some reason:
I for one like the fact that we got these super long games now. We got bang for our buck. That’s the way it should be. And those who feel they don’t have the time, simply go trough the main quest and ignore the side activities, you can shave a lot of time off these games.
I know this this dress/look is bananas but I LOVE IT! Come at me peppermint haters 🍬
Wahay! That’s all from me, Kotaku folks. Thanks for letting me entertain you this fine Labor Day as guest editor. I hope to see you all again soon. Until then you should check out Kotaku’s reader-run TAY blog (where I can always be found) and give me a follow on Twitter @SuperBentendo.
Whoops! Fixed. Maybe let me know next time without such an attitude. Thanks!
The most powerful brand in sports journalism is officially diving into eSports. Today ESPN put out a job listing for an “eSports editor.” This comes after the ESPN magazine published its first ever eSports issue, which included an excellent profile of the League of Legends god player Faker. Art/story via The Daily Dot.
Shit, today's my birthday and the game won't finish downloading by midnight. I guess I'll have to wait a year....good luck avoiding spoilers, Me!
Jane McGonigal is a game designer—but she isn’t exactly working on the next Mario. Rather, she brings an academic…
A sad loss, but at least the series isn’t dead in the West. Honestly, I’ll take that.
Ace Attorney 6, announced this morning for Japan, is coming to the west too. HELL FUCKING YES.
Good fucking gravy.
I prefer to leave Alien: Colonial Marines visible, as a cautionary tale.
Another secret is that you can actually hide games in your steam library.