
cosigned on Andy Cohen. It’s such a red flag for this guy to claim he has absolutely no platform from which to enact change. pretty pathetic.

90 Day Fiance is every bit as trashy and filled with awful people you can’t stop watching that also is relatively diverse and (if you watch it this way) offers a scathing indictment of the ignorance that has been fostered in these closing years of the American empire and how it’s only a matter of time before the rest

If reality TV didn’t have lying, scheming, manipulative, hateful, bigoted people, all that would be left is a bunch of boring people going about their day.

Ive got to say, I am against putting minors in such conditions. By which I mean, no matter how talented or “prodigy like”, this should not have been allowed to happen.

Yep, they’re “alive’ consuming stored nutrients without the proper conditions to replenish them. Quit your bullshit.

A 7-11 frozen burrito dunked in ketchup, or Top Ramen made in the bag is more gangster than kale.

Thanks, I hate it (and them)!
Plus, frozen vegetables are absolutly not “bullshit”! bBcause they’re flash frozen right after picking, they can frequently be more nutritious than the “fresh” equivalent, which has been sitting for who knows how long slowly decomposing.

Well actually the civil rights protests worked because there were other groups that weren’t as peaceful and were upfront about it. It’s also why the labor movement worked. Also why the feminist movement worked. Every moderate movement that achieved something was able to do so because there was a radical wing pushing

Four of the biggest ASSES in history against a generic backdrop. If he had chosen to go the church stairs with an NAACP leader or someone with a voice of calm it would help, but Jackass Trump wants to go it alone ... but we need to remember he takes no responsibility for anything.  He is worthless. 

Your comment reminded me of something I thought years ago: I’m offended by how stupid he is. If he were the villain of a Hollywood movie, the reviews would call it unrealistic. Truth is stranger than fiction.

I can’t even with these “Christians.” If Jesus showed up, wooly-headed, skin blessed with melanin, they’d shoot the motherfucker.

Yep. By saying it was *A* Bible, he casually admitted it was just a meaningless prop to keep suckering the dimwits in further supporting him. The contempt he has for his own supporters is so blatant, it’s staggering. If he’s only learned one thing in his life, it’s how to sell the snake oil.

As a note, my ‘favorite’ part of that Trump march to the church was that when a reporter asked him if the Bible he was brandishing was his, Trump’s response was that it is a bible.

I was with you riiiight up until the very end where Issa walks home alone. The entire time I thought she was falling for a trap, and I hated Lawrence’s smarmy looks every time he laid a trap and she walked right into it. But the moment she decided to walk home alone, didn’t beg him to stay, didn’t beg him for closure,

This is a global trauma. It's okay to not feel okay when life has become so uncertain and frightening. If being productive or learning new things makes you feel better, by all means, do them. But no one needs to, and you certainly shouldn't force yourself. Getting through the day is all any of us need to be doing

I’m an essential worker, so I’ve still got a job for now, but I’ve also had this art project in mind for awhile, and I thought, weekends where I can’t go anywhere, that will be the perfect time to work on it. I started out ok, but I keep losing steam, I should probably be working on it right now, the pieces I have

It’s the productivity shamers that are getting to me. Look at the THINGS you could be DOING. Look at all the STUFF you could be LEARNING.

The quality of Cadbury Creme Eggs has gone way down due to being bought out by Hershey’s, even if the chocolate for Cadbury is better than Hershey’s. Like, dude, it’s not hard to be better than Hershey’s, unless you’re Nestle.

This is America.  Reese’s Eggs or get out.

This is the best.  Not sorry.............Reese’s.