Celia the Vampire Slaying Vampire

I, for one, am shocked that pillars of moral virtue like Chris Brown and Travis Scott would associate with Kanye. this is shocking to me. who could have seen this coming. what new spore of madness is this /s

Reading this felt very odd, and I realized it was because I didn’t see the old Snacktaku tag. Can only imagine how Fahey might have reacted to this absurdity. May he RIP.

Because it’s been years since they did anything with Silent Hill. And that was a long string of bad games where outside developers wanted to make a horror game and pitched it to Konami as a Silent Hill game to get funding.

You don’t think her legal team did their due diligence at calculating the financial implications of Trump’s smear campaign about her? And it was backed up with enough evidence to hold up in court, dissected by Trump’s team? Why even question this, which was the point of the whole case? They had to quantify financial

I don’t know why we need to resort to a complicated sociopolitical explanation for why people are opposed to AI art in this particular case, when the AI art in question looks like complete garbage.

Eh, I think it’s bit early to be concerned about the male supporting characters being stereotypical when it’s just getting started. Other than the crab factory guy, we’ll probably get more shades of the #2 cop (John Hawkes does interesting work so I wouldn’t write off his character yet—he seems ripe to snap from

I appreciate your comment and I do think the show could benefit from more supporting characters of substance, but given how prevalent paper thin female supporting characters have been on TV for the past 80-years, I think the show can succeed just fine even if the only real heroes are female. 

That’s fine, more Gemstones episodes and no more Exorcist movies is perfectly fine, thanks!

You say that like America doesn’t have the same things today. We call it “prison labor” so we can sleep at night, but it’s still a gulag. Not to mention the slave wages paid to undocumented workers in meat packing factories.

Jesus, this entire conversation is so dense.

I mean, they literally walk past a very well furbished (and apparently popular) gym in the WLF base.  And they aren’t suffering from any shortage of food / protein if the population of that base and their farming is anything to go by.

My lord, simmer down. The brutality of this complaint relative to the innocuousness of the alleged offense is insane.

I’ve been a bad, bad boy, Father...

Catholic church was the proper place to absolve him of such was reportedly due to his role in Abel Ferrara’s film, Padre Pio, where he portrayed the 20th-century Italian priest, Francesco Forgione.

Now playing

Why don’t they just hire Lazlo Cravensworth to do a vulva topiary garden? Tasteful and adds a bit of fun to the idea.

I will quote the company that you defend... straight from their privacy notice.

Please bare in mind, that 23andMe has the ability to force customers to use better passwords. They are the stewards of that data and they didn’t have password policies in place for their customers? That argument will not fly in court.

Wow, people here are pretty deeply ignorant about Neo-Nazi symbolism, as far as things go, 1488 is a pretty blatant one and they’re counting on you thinking this is just reactionary to normalize it. They will hide their ideologies in plain sight by things just obfuscated enough that regular folks won’t understand what

I’m stumped. I can’t figure out why there’s two versions in the first place, and it’s apparently not censored on P+ on Roku.

I considered posting a pic, just to prove I’m not crazy, but it might get taken out of context and get me banned. Even pixelated, it’d still be a dick pic.

It’s like Fording a river....or Nissaning a serving of instant ramen?  Boeing a piece of wood?