Celia the Vampire Slaying Vampire

More women came forward this morning. This certainly explains why he moved so far to the right. He knew this was coming eventually and he wanted to build a wall of protection around himself. Andrew Tate and Tucker Carlson are already supporting him.

Several people theorized for a long time that Brand’s move to the right was because he knew that someone was going to come forward. 

Danny Masterson was sentenced to 25 years to life. So yeah.

1. I’m not sure how you’re measuring flak, but looking back at articles and reports about the story, Lena Dunham copped tons of flak.

Oh cmon. She gets a shitload of scorn and hatred whenever she turns up or tries to write something. Surely we’ve done enough there. I still get queasy over one bad review 20 years ago. If I had her press, I’d cry myself to sleep at night.

It’s been a loooong time since people thought well of LD. So criticizing her latest hypocrisy seemed a little pointless. She was not on the board of an anti-abuse organization. She is not a Scientologist. And nevertheless, she DID get a fair amount of crap.

The mandate was also only in effect for about a year for the film industry so it seems hard to believe that’s the only reason she was broke.

“I hope you’re never in the fucking position I’m in.”

That position being, refusing to protect yourself and others from a deadly pandemic, at the expense of your career, and then acting like YOU’RE the victim?

Thankfully, I will never be in the fucking position you’re in.

Oh, I get it, but a few rebuttals:
1) This arguably draws more attention and is a way for regular citizens who want to help to help

She has a long, well-documented history of stalking and assaulting multiple partners. One women served several years for criminal charges Manning later admitted she falsified. This is more than “going through something.” This is a woman who’s spent her adult life as a serial abuser and it’s no surprise she’d

As Americans are wont to do, they are conflating having money with intelligence.

Also...nothing about Grimes screams “smart.”

“He really wants smart people to have kids...”

It’s hard for me to imagine that a child would be better off raised by a multiple rapist, even if he’s promised not to do it again.

Perhaps a milquetoast late-night show should not even BE a high-stress environment

Hey, maybe you can give some serious consideration of fucking yourself.

My only advice to the woman in your life is to run like hell. 

Oh, totally, because we all know men - particularly successful men - have no power or control over themselves.

What are you, Kanye’s publicist?

You do that. Maybe print it out and post it on your closet Musk shrine vision board of “Enemies of Musk Who Will Get Theirs You’ll See”