Celia the Vampire Slaying Vampire

ehhhhh, I think that’s a pretty charitable read here. I don’t inherently hate the general concept of “cross pollination”, but it still has to make some kind of sense. Like sure, if I am playing EverQuest 3, and it has a companion mobile game where I can just harvest crafting resources, or grind some writs or something

They really can’t fathom the idea that normal people aren’t excited about a future where everything in the world, even escapism, is an endless grind. They’ve sublimated their own lives into nonstop #hustle bullshit and they just assume everyone wants to be as joyless as them.

As a video game player, the last thing I want to do after spending any amount of time on a video game is to have to translate my achievements (a horror show no matter how you phrase it) to another video game I might not even want to play, and so on and so forth until I’ve earned enough crypto to clock out. To eat,

Probably longer than it is for rape or assault.

Vance is right that his song—one of only two Valiants songs that ever charted, along with “Barbara Ann” parody “Bomb Iran”—predates Carey’s by about five years,

It’d be a great murder thing. Imagine you walk by a weird looking dog on the street at night and then it stands up and pulls out a knife.

So that’s what this is all about: You hate kids. Particularly your own.

This is rich-person trauma versus poor person trauma.

There is no trauma Olympics or “extremely fucked up” Olympics where we measure or arbitrate how people get to feel about their own experiences. I’m sorry your experiences sucked. I’m sorry Elliot Page’s experiences sucked. I wouldn’t want to experience either of them. Yet neither is invalid simply because the other

First off, his pronouns are he/his; second, this was part of a large interview and cover story that included his transition as a topic so why *wouldn’t* he talk about it?

I imagine that was one of the worst things you’ve ever experienced. So you’re comparing the worst things you experienced to one thing that Elliot Page said bothered him. The only one comparing the experiences is you and the only one taking it to extremes is you. I don't know what Elliot Pages most traumatic experience

You can either heal from trauma or constantly try to win the trauma Olympics where no one else’s experiences matter because yours were worse. He never once compared wearing a dress to violent murder.

Obviously you have never had gender dysphoria and depression associated with it. 

Ok, well here’s the problem (as CallsOutBullshit below brings up as well):

Netflix spent most of its existence saying that they didn’t care if people shared passwords. They factored it into their business model (which might be the only wise thing they did regarding their business model, people being people).

It’s okay to say “a corporation wringing more money out of users is wrong.” There are certainly civil and legal penalties for a corporation to take that stance, but that’s because corporations are amoral nonperson entities.

If it were me, I’d spend more time focusing on how to better use that obscene content budget Netflix has so that people want to be subscribed year round.”

This is exactly right. The question for the business isn’t “Should we make the password sharers pay?” the question is “How many sharers will pay and how many people who currently pay will drop the service?”

So just to be clear, do you also think that everyone who goes to a house party at this flat full of 20 year olds should individually pay for the songs that play on the stereo? Should each 20 year old get their own utility bill? No communal dinners, sharing isn't allowed!

You’re not wrong, but at the same time, Netflix had a record 2021 year with something north of $5 billion in net profits, which was like 84% higher YoY. That’s not to say they should give away service, but if they step back and look, they aren’t exactly doing terrible as-is.