Celia the Vampire Slaying Vampire

I'd rather not play a game where I have to drug my wife at all. Doesn't matter if it's twice or ten times or *X # here*. Also I'm really glad it was spoiled (with warning) specifically because I was considering checking it out and now know I don't want to support the game.

Thank you for spoiling it, Renata! Good to know to never ever support this crap. Also OT but looks like the editorial notes are still in the piece in italics. 

This is the same kind of comment you're criticizing. No one cares about who hit on you or what weird terms you want to insult your "friends" bodies with. Don't know why you think this is a better comment than OP's.

No one currrrr about your boner.

How can you be confused about the power imbalance between a 22 year old intern and the President of the US? Though you’re confused by the concept that this is a fictionalized take by Ryan Murphy that never presented itself as unbiased so...guess that's how.

Better than Kaia Gerber. She doesn’t have a ton of meat to the part but she wasn’t distracting like Kaia was.

MUA Jordan Liberty discussed this. Link:

I assume Arias given the channel.

Yeah I will say here we generally didn't have any petty in-fighting or held each other above or below ourselves. There was an incident of a mod here not handling things well and treating some posters badly but we kicked them off the mod team for it. It was more difficult being trolled and dealing with community fights

The porn gif years which were also the images of mutilated dog years and the constant (often racist) rape and death threat years. A real treat.

I was a mod here for about 12 years.

Theirs are tied to a database and they can get new receipts if something happens so it's much more useful than ours.

Still on Hulu for sure and purchasable on Prime Video.

And of course the Resident doc Harry (in comic and show).

As always, the Solomons deserve more love.

It really is the best of the best. 

He did work for the Huckabee campaign and tried some other political shit already. Sigh

Oreo is the ripoff. It's the Oreo Malcolm and Marie.

It’s been in use as a singular since 1375 so...may want to consult the OED on that.

They* but agree with you.