Last week I did a 4-mile race and came in under my goal time... I’m really trying to work back toward being able to run 5 miles or more but I’m finding it difficult to break through that plateau.
Last week I did a 4-mile race and came in under my goal time... I’m really trying to work back toward being able to run 5 miles or more but I’m finding it difficult to break through that plateau.
After one month of my three-month fitness and nutrition program, which includes five sessions each of cardio and weightlifting every week and a 1640-calorie meal plan, I have lost a total of 8.5" from my body, including 4.25" from my waist, and I have reduced my body fat percentage by 11.9%.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Well I’ve not had a great week. I was diagnosed with a miscarriage on Wednesday (9 weeks) and booked in for a D&C on Friday. I’ve never had a miscarriage before. The D&C went well, propofol is a great thing. Now I just don’t know what to do. Do I try again? What if I have another miscarriage? How many miscarriages and…
Ohhh I love that! I zoomed in and the detail you have there is just incredible. Plus that floss is gorgeous.
Congratulations! Sorry about your traumatic birth, are you and baby okay* now?
Well I had a baby ten minutes before Monday was over. The placenta decided to rip itself away from my uterus in some sort of attempt to kill us both. That was the least fun I’ve ever had, but fortunately my intuition brought me to the hospital an hour earlier.
Happily, also joining the cast will be the strangely compelling grooves on either side of Menzies’ mouth.
“everybody who thought dude was hot in Outlander then immediately felt deeply uncomfortable because Black Jack Randall was a sadistic monster”
Tobias Menzies gave an absolutely stunning performance as Black Jack Randall — especially in the Outlander episode in which he rapes Jamie. It was uncomfortable, mesmerizing and I don’t ever want to watch it again, but wow! Tobias Menzies should have won a Golden Globe for that episode.
Tobias Menezies can GET IT.
I want to kiss his eye wrinkles. Typing that, I made even myself really uncomfortable, but it’s the truth. #noonecaresaboutmyladyboner
I recently broke my arm in a rock climbing accident. I was offered opiates 8!!!! times and when I was screened for drug use, and I told them I smoke weed and they tried to send me off with materials about quitting pot.
Politicians in 1990: “The drug crisis is caused by a breakdown in urban lawlessness and the lack of two-parent families. If these thugs were simply able to ‘just say no’ then they we wouldn’t be here giving more power to law enforcement and increasing the severity of our drug laws.”
Fuck the Met for doing away with the suggested admission fee while executive salaries go up and up.
This might be callous of me to admit but I can’t help but be fascinated when I hear all this ballyhoo about opioids and think how different the narrative was, just a few years prior, when the public believed it was only black people facing the business end of a national drug problem. I covered an opioid awareness…
Hearing “Hello, there are spoilers in this!” just makes my morning.