
I don’t know if they did as editorial and sales are completely separate. Like everything else, I wrote this of my own volition and gumption, and I wrote it this late because I came to the show thinking it was gonna be some self-involved Girls bullshit and by the end it really won me over. I do not have to disclose

I still like Jezebel but I really miss the way it was back in the day. Pot psychology was my favorite! Over time this site just started taking itself way too seriously. It used to be more fun

It makes me think about when I read the site Ask a Manager and someone is having an issue with someone harassing them or being invasive. She always says that it is okay to say something and you aren’t being rude because they are one being rude. Or it is okay to make them feel uncomfortable by questioning their actions

Here’s a good way to suss out the fake allies: when they talk about harassment/abuse, note what punishment or consequences they think the known abuser should suffer. If they seem okay, but then pull up at the end with some lip service about how an apology is enough and should these men lose their jobs, reeaaaally?

I think the more relevant fact is that all of the critics you listed have backgrounds in comedy, not journalism.

It’s funny that some of the best TV hosts critiquing America aren’t American. I’m looking at you John Oliver (UK), Sam Bee (Canadian) and Trevor Noah (South African). Obviously there are some great American shows like Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert, but they do seem to be totally unafraid in saying what they think.

Even when it means sticking your neck out like this. You think Oliver isn’t going to see some blowback about this? That potential guests are going to avoid appearing with him? He knew that, and made a choice to do it anyway.

I’m not quite to terrified, yet. But I did read this and thought, simultaneously, “finally! A man standing up to other men!” and “God, I hope nothing ever comes out about him.” Because, honestly, I think most men have had some incident in their lives that they would think of as a failed pick-up or something, that the

You’re probably right, and I’m probably paranoid. I had somehow missed all the Louis CK rumours, and when that came, it felt like a slap in the face from someone I thought was an ally. So now I’ve gone in the deep end and suspect everyone, and that’s not healthy either.

Without evidence present on foul deeds, I try to look at history. John Oliver’s history reads pretty honestly and includes things like marrying an Iraq war veteran who smuggled him through the ‘08 Republican National Convention. His show LastWeekTonight reads really honestly and he definitely shows a lot of passion in

Ugh I know that fear as well. He is one of the few people who I would be genuinely shocked by if anything does come out. He seems like a truly good and kind person, and I haven’t heard any rumors about him. Many (if not most) of the people who have been taken down recently had had rumors swirling about them for a

I have now learned to be terrified that the men who are our best allies end up being named by someone as abusers. That’s how I read these now: if someone is just as awesome as John Oliver, all I feel is dread that he’s a wolf in sheep clothing.

Thank you John Oliver, for being courageous. There are interviewers out there who won’t even stand up to a pedophile or the president who supports him and I can’t wait for you to interview Trump, any Trump, any Trump at all (through blood or through marriage).

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

Any cover of “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” is pretty terrible. Always too polished and pure. But Darlene Love’s version has just the right amount of desperation and sadness to scratch that “The National” itch I get sometimes.

Man, “Baby Please Come Home” is probably my all-time favorite Christmas song, but I could see it getting grating on too many repeat listens.

Was never a big fan of I’ll Be Home for Christmas until Sufjan Stevens’ version. Sonically, he nailed the song theme-wise in a way I hadn’t heard before

McCartney’s synth noise has the same spine-tingling effect as styrofoam rubbing together for me, but Lennon’s gets slightly more negative points for featuring both Yoko and a children’s choir.

What job? First Lady isn’t a paid position with real responsibilities. It’s a sexist, thankless throwback from the days before wives were allowed to have separate lives and careers from their husbands and were expected to be a full time mothers and help-mates. I don’t have many nice things to say about Melanie Trump