Celeste Crazypants

I guess you’ve never heard of leading by example.

I don’t know what Bethany said, but i love this one

Anytime someone talks about revolution, I can’t help but roll my eyes.

Her lips are Angelina Jolie’s.

“Everybody wants to be a nigga but don’t nobody wanna be a nigga.”

Say what you will about North Korea, but damn that place looks immaculate. By contrast on the DC metro I narrowly avoided stepping on a used diaper in the morning and it was still there when I rode home. Just sayin.

I mean if they are supposed to double as bomb shelters then that would be a reason for secrecy, no?

I’ve heard multiple people say, “When my wife and I have sex, we feel the presence of the Lord in the room,” and I’m thinking, “Man, the Lord really needs to cut it out with this Peeping Tom shit.”

“And anyway, man-hating is not about hating individual men, some of whom are... fine. It’s about the need for fundamental structural and societal change.”

Same here.

I first hated her when she said she wasn’t “strong enough to have an eating disorder” after having “tried to be anorexic for half a day.” Ugh. fuck off with that shit, bitch. Puts her whole stupid All About That Bass song in a new light, huh?

This is gonna sound weird, but I’m always surprised by how pretty she was as a younger woman. Like apart from the deeply 90s styling, she was really pretty.

It’s not funny. And if this had been a women who couldn’t speak and was killed and fed to the dogs Jezebel and people commenting wouldn’t dare mock the story. Making jokes about a man who was brutally murdered is disgusting. The jokes and the picture are in bad taste.

I usually write them out then type them up, which helps more with memory retention.

I absolutely agree with this. I don’t remember half of what I type but taking hand-written notes insures I’ll remember 90% of it. There’s a disconnect I think, between the act of typing things out as opposed to the tactile, holding the pen and thinking as you write aspect. But what do I know? I’m not a psychologist. I

Another of Moore’s reclining figure sculptures – Bridge Prop – has been on Brown’s main green for decades. I always liked it, and it’s long been welcome as part of the environment.

Despite his comments about at least two of his daughters (Tiffany here, the comments about Ivanka saying “If she weren’t my daughter...”), I actually don’t think he wants to have sex with his own children. Rather, I think he believes that the highest compliment you can give a woman is to call her fuckable. Which leads

Why does Donald Trump want to bang his daughters? Is preserving the short finger gene that important to him?

College kids are the worst lately. I don’t remember being this bad.

I like it. More importantly, I hate the students.