
When my pooch was a puppy she would get the crap kicked out of her by the other dogs at the dog park. After a while, she’d try and hide between my legs. After a few months, she is the one harassing the newbies. She even growled and bared her teeth at the dog park bully who would bark at her and make her cower. Now the

Ooof get rid of that invasive English Ivy from your tiny yard. It’s a destructive invader that provides no food or habitat to native flora and fauna. I love Virginia Creeper, but it needs occasional pruning. More alternatives can be found here: https://www.wildrootsnj.com/plant-this-not-that-eco-friendly-alternatives-t

Freelancer Zoë Beery told me about how she had begun working on a “safer space” initiative at a Brooklyn bar to help change nightlife culture just before the pandemic hit. 

That was the best-looking Subaru. Loved those headlights.

The cold and snow really doesn’t bother me, but I loathe the lack of sunlight in the winter. Those June days when my neighborhood smells like freshly-mown lawn and there is still some light in the western sky at 9 pm when the fireflies awaken are truly magical.

I came here to say something similar. Who do you think owns these jacked-up monster trucks? 

The manual for my 2003 Passat recommended having the dealer replace a dead headlamp. I found out how to do it on YouTube. Took 15 minutes.

My dad listened to CBS-FM every morning when I was growing up in the 1970s and it seemed that Dominick the Donkey was played on the radio at least once every hour back then.

My home was a never-ending to-do list that gave me anxiety.

Sold my house in 2017 after 17 years and I don’t regret it one bit. My rent is cheaper than my old mortgage + property taxes and I don’t have to worry about paying for a new furnace, roof, etc.

My local thrift store is around the corner from my office and has frequent 50% off sales. I’ve picked up Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, Gap and other name brands there for ridiculously low prices....some of the products still have the tags on them! I’m changing jobs and I’m gonna miss that store.

To the GOP’s credit, it has been focusing its efforts on local offices for many decades.

Thank you Elektra for providing this starving student with a steady supply of promo CDs when I was the music director of my college radio station in the late 80s and early 90s.

Does the time pathway give viewers a Lego version of Jefferson Starship or Bea Arthur?

The Schroth pads probably cost $299.99, require dealer installation and erupted into flames hours after the warranty expired.

These videos are also a reminder not to tailgate.

Even though I am a half-century old, it appears I have the 401(k) of someone half my age. Now if I only had their health!

So Finland is looking for people to work in tech? Sigh...I’m reminded again why my English degree is mostly useless.

An atom walks into a bar looking very depressed.

Bartender asks “What’s the problem?”

Atom says “I’ve lost an electron.”

Bartender asks, “Are you sure?”

Atom replies, “Yes, I’m positive.”

“The Ballot Security Task Force” was dispatched to urban polling places in 1981 to intimidate voters and help GOP Gubernatorial candidate Tom Kean eke a narrow victory over Democrat Jim Florio. The difference between the two was less than 2000 votes out of more than 2 million cast.