Apparently, you can upgrade 4th gen Hondas to Apple CarPlay. I haven’t tried it yet but I am intrigued.
Apparently, you can upgrade 4th gen Hondas to Apple CarPlay. I haven’t tried it yet but I am intrigued.
My state would make a fortune off these tickets if they would enforce it against the fleets of New Yorkers who camp in the left lane of the Garden State Parkway on their drive to the Jersey Shore. Is “keep right except to pass” not taught to New York residents during drivers ed?
In 2018 I purchased a 2015 CPO Honda CR-V that has been insanely reliable. I expect to top 200,000 miles on it this year.
The Fit had ample interior space and rode well for a tiny car. My CR-V is too large for my needs and I would welcome the return of the Fit to the US.
My timing chain is good as the life of the engine and my engine has 180k miles on it with no issues.
The U.S. has steadily become meaner, more selfish and dumber since 1980.
I live 200 yds. from a supermarket, but if I wanted to walk there, I would have to walk 1/4 mi. to the nearest intersection (which doesn’t have a “walk/don’t walk” signal) and then walk another 1/4. mi. to the supermarket. I guess I could dash across the road rather than cross at the light, but the speed limit is…
I’ve owned 3 Hondas and a Nissan since the early 2000s. The Hondas were reliable AF. Never gave me a problem. The Nissan was a different story. My 2015 CR-V is nearing 200k miles and it runs as nice as the day it rolled off of the dealer’s lot.
I live in NJ and I would like to see a Venn diagram of my fellow Jerseyans who are claiming on Facebook that they are seeing scores of drones in the night sky and those who “did their own research” in 2020.
Heck, 25 mph is too fast even for my quiet suburban neighborhood. My street is 2 blocks long. If you ever want to see if a Rav-4 can hit 40 mph before the stop sign, sit in front of my house or for an added terrifying adrenaline rush, attempt to be a pedestrian.
TBH, I prefer to see cars decked in holiday lights instead of dark tinted windows and obscured license plates.
Only $120k? In my state, most police chiefs earn well over $200k, with most veteran patrolmen earning $150k+.
Do you think that auto buying programs such as the one offered at Costco would be recommended for mom and dad when they decide on buying a new vehicle?
This vehicle is quite handsome, but I had no idea that Honda was still making the Passport. Between the CR-V and Pilot, does Honda really need another midsize/large SUV?
I was expecting to see some flavor of lifted Jeep Wrangler or Gladiator with constipated face headlights, LED light bar, front bumper winch, extra gas cans and a Punisher decal on the rear window.
I’m now in the mood to shop for a used EV.
My 2015 CR-V is at 170k miles and counting. Runs as smooth as it did when I purchased it new. Only time it’s been in the shop were for brakes and tires. I change the oil and transmission fluid according to Honda’s recommendations.
$50k is still too expensive for a basic commuter car, EV or not.
“She’ll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene!”
We call that grille the “constipated Jeep” look LOL.