“a Colorado Rockies hockey game”
Are you sure that puck didn’t hit you in the head?
“a Colorado Rockies hockey game”
Are you sure that puck didn’t hit you in the head?
The situation ended when Tomsula told Davis to pretend like the issue was a football and drop it.
It’s epic trolling. It is the perfect position from which to lay bare the hypocrisy and lies of the dominionists. When places like Oklahoma were putting Ten Commandments monuments on public land, or nativity scenes, the argument became ‘any religion can do this, if they want’ so the Satanic Temple calls that bluff.…
I’m a satanist and I don’t think we should have any special rights or privileges, buuutttt I also don’t think Christians, Catholics, morons, I mean Mormons, Muslims, Jewish, Buddhists, etc should either. Aaannnnddd if they do want special rights then I want in on some of that action, because my carbon based life…
Because they’re at the vanguard of exposing “religious freedom” hypocrisy and as such should be applauded.
Perhaps you were brought up during the lying times (The 70’s/80’s), when Satanism was portrayed as a mind control cult that wanted to sacrifice your neighborhood’s children and use rock music to turn them into mass murderers.
While I’m sure they’re out there, I’ve never encountered (online - I don’t think I’ve ever met a self-identifying Satanist, per se, in the flesh) a person who said “Yes! I AM a Satanist, because I worship Lucifer, rebel against the Almighty God, and I hope he overthrows God and we all burn in hellfire for eternity,”…
“Yeah, see, here’s your problem: these teams fucking suck.”
This is the “gay rights aren’t important because there’s war in other parts of the world” of NFL hot takes.
When a person falls or rolls and reaches out to protect himself or herself, that response is almost always reflexive. The lack of any reflexive arm motion while he tumbles to the ground strongly suggests he was briefly unconscious.
At last, Mr. Baseball has secured the coveted “guys who like family guy and call themselves pimps” vote. But can a man truly find joy, who has already flown to such great heights?
How the fuck can you play a game for 1,000 hours and not recommend it? Do you hate yourself?
If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.
I saw a tire pummel a rabbit once, in the Utah desert.
“Oh look, a former HS player Deadspin commenter who thinks he can (looks at user name) ......oh.
you are a fool, woman. candy corn is delicious carnauba wax goodness. i’ll concede that those candy corn spawn are abominations. why mess with candy corn perfection? (can’t stop saying candy corn. candyfuckingcrackcorn.) if, like me, you are from the 1960s and 70s, you enjoyed candy corn’s heyday. before razor blades…
Running down Renaldo Turnbull from a dead standstill was even more impressive
holy shit dude get a life
I live in Buffalo and I don't find this surprising, we're a bunch of retards over here.
We know you've been dying to find out the next move for Dan Patrick. He's got his national radio show now, his Web…