
This is a great suggestion! I quite like candy corn (Brach’s is indeed the only way to go), but find it must be enjoyed in small doses. Mixed with honey roasted peanuts sound like a great way to stretch that out. I wonder how it’d pair with honey roasted almonds since I actually have some of those currently...

Awesome! I’ll look forward to the next one then!

Fantastic interview! I really enjoyed this and the last How I Eat.

  • Does a burger have to be beef? Nope, though I agree that there needs to be appropriate labeling in place if its not beef. Saying burger implies beef burger for me. “Insert meat here” burger is everything else.
  • First of all, what is your favorite grocery store? Publix is my favorite of those I have reasonable access to shop at on a regular basis. I quite like Trader Joe’s but ours is far-ish and located in an obnoxiously small, but perpetually busy strip mall.
  • Which show is the best at teaching people how to cook? Currently? I’m not up to date at what’s on TV or streaming, so I’d go with the many excellent YouTube cooking shows. A shout out in particular to Chef John and Binging with Babish’s Basics series as two of my favorites for picking up new tricks.
  • What is your favorite kind of crust? My favorite is a foldable, thin and chewy crust with a nice crunch at the end.
  • What’s your favorite processed, totally craptastic food you enjoy more than homemade? Kraft Mac and Cheese, as well! I don’t enjoy it more than homemade, but I believe it has an very important place in the mac and cheese pantheon. I’ll likely eat more of it in a year than the indulgent and wonderful homemade versions.
  • What’s your favorite canned bean? I don’t have one! I’m kind of bean adverse and it’s on my list of things to try and tackle again despite a childhood hatred of the texture that haunts me as an adult.
  • What’s your favorite instant ramen brand and flavor? I was a beef fan. I preferred Maruchan, though there were a few brands in the larger premade bowls I didn’t mind. There was this one spicy beef one my college convenience store carried ever so briefly before I never saw it again.
  • Which sandwich can you make better than anyone else?