
I just picked up my replay of Forbidden West and yeah, I’m really enjoying going back to it. It’s a stunning looking title, and the setting is still quite unlike anything else I’ve played. I do agree that perhaps it’s a bit too heavy on the Little Tasks To Check Off, and god but grinding for upgrade materials is a pain

Yeah, this isn’t a reflection on the demand for single-player offline games, it’s a reflection on Aveum being A) undermarketted and more importantly B) not really all that good.

No amount of idealized console wars bullshit is worth the human cost of a game not making its money back.
Xbox just cut nearly 2000 jobs across its company, and it can happen again.

It’s not just the game industry that does this, as proven time and time again by the dearth of women superheroes built like Victoria’s Secret models.

Overwatch has always aspired to be something of a cultural showcase, with its heroes representing different multiple countries, cultures, and identities (though it took six years for a Black woman to join the game)

This is genuinely pathetic. The Part One remaster was barely justifiable so soon after the release of the PS4 remaster, but at least that was actually updating it for a new platform. Part Two is already one of the best looking games on the PS5; asking people to pay another $70 (because you fucking know it’s not gonna

That’s like saying “gasoline is the most popular car fuel, so apparently most people are happy with its environmental impact.

Pro tip, if you’re having to lay off hundreds of employees, you’re not running a business very well.

Yeah, it’s the aspect where it feels as though she’s encouraging a personal obsession which makes this feel exploitative of her clients to me in a way that most sex work doesn’t. It feels a bit too adjacent to findom stuff, which I’ve also never liked.

I feel like we’re tiptoeing up to the edge of an “it was her fault for dressing that way” discussion.

as far as I can tell, she’s discovered a market and is providing products to meet that demand. That’s exactly as ethical as all other businesses in a capitalist system.

I think there’s a difference in scope between “having a kink and being lonely” which certainly applies to me, and “having the kind of parasocial relationship which makes one want to buy a streamer’s used bathwater.”

Well, personally speaking I’m more inclined to dislike someone who’s clearly exploiting people who have deepseated mental health problems than to dislike the people with those problems, so that’s probably part of it!

All of this leads to her one new ability called Virus, which is a skill shot move that damages enemies over time. If you’ve already landed a hack or EMP on an enemy, the Virus will do more damage.

Fazed, when someone is (or isn’t) emotionally affected by something, you speak of them being fazed not “phased.”

I would not report a black guy to the cops for theft unless he was like, actually violently mugging people in the street. It’s too fucking likely to end up with them murdering him.

I have spent the last... God, five or six years? Doing nothing but getting our titles ready for MS cert. And yeah, you’re right in as much as if you count the time from “first optional sub” to “game goes live”, that can be a couple of months.

As someone who’s spent twelve years working for a triple A games company and shipped about twenty titles, what the fuck are you talking about “3+ months ahead of release”?!

No, I’m sorry, this is rubbish.