
On the one hand, eat the rich. On the other hand, no one should be be doing time for tax fraud.

And the contestant was right to flag this because *any* personal interaction with a judge could be later seen as either manipulation or favoritism. Even if she hadn’t felt like they were flirty, it would *still* be inappropriate to reach out to a contestant in this way. That’s what gets me. If my boss sent me a

I mean, I think everyone has to find the lines they don’t want to cross, whether it’s who you’re willing to support financially or what have you.

That’s a very complicated question, but recent events have shown that you’re giving money to an actor who might vengefully use that money to continue hurting people they have previously hurt. Maybe. But certainly, this isn’t a case of reading a dead author who was racist, or watching a movie with a large cast where

I knew going into this episode that is was going to feature Randall being he usual pedantic and self righteous self. I was very happy to see the evolved and mature versions of Kate and Kevin appear to match Randall so that they all could come full circle. I was so moved by the imagery of this episode and the cuts

I think the show could have had an additional season to better flesh out a few things. Kate and Phillip being the main story but also Kevin and Big Three Homes, Randall’s senate run, and Randall’s daughters. We totally lost them in the story. I love this show! I wish there was more of it. 

That’s a good point. The Kate/Toby divorce makes perfect sense, was well set up, and made for some of This Is Us’ best scenes, but her suddenly dating and then marrying Phillip really just came out of nowhere. Kate and Phillip have not had very many scenes together and have had even fewer (if any) scenes that hinted

Sophie’s/Alexandra Breckinridge’s Kevin impersonation was pretty spot on too.

Agree! I think next week will probably be when Rebecca dies. And then I hope we get a Six Feet Under finale style episode for the finale, to show how the rest of everyone’s lives go. Like all the kids having kids, and the Pearsons just going on and on and on forever and ever. 

Starring vehicle for Susan Kelechi Watson, please. Her comic timing has been a highlight of the entire series.

I don’t understand how you don’t realize that there things that other people like that you may not. I don’t know why people line up to watch mindless movies about superheros or horribly long things about hobbits, but I understand that some people have different taste than me.

Beth was definitely the MVP of this episode.  “Big Phil” gave me a chuckle.

Hot yoga’s not cheap, but at least the instructor doesn’t stalk you if you stop showing up.

A lot of my issues with celebrity Scientologists is that they seem delusional compared to other religious celebrities. Like when evidence came about about the Roman Catholic Church we didn’t hear Stephen Colbert act like these allegations are ludicrous. It is perfectly possible that the Church of Scientology is a safe

“Come in and learn more about it” has been their stock answer for literally decades. What it really means is: buy books or services (possibly after taking a personality test).

Because she wants to hide the fact that she’s in an extremist cult from people who don’t know it.

I’m into religious freedom, too. That’s why I think it might be a nice thing if some religions would let adherents who no longer want to be a part of said religion leave peacefully. But I know that’s a bit of a big ask for Scientologists!

What was the point of a top five if Ru was just going to fairly arbitrarily cut it down to a top 2 so quickly?

I would honestly watch a spin-off that was all Beth, all the time.

I came to make two comments: