
You’d think, but he doesn’t seem to have any friends. But he could certainly afford to get his own place.

You’d think Kevin would have a friend/acquaintance who wouldn’t mind having a hot C-list celebrity on their couch.

Kevin seriously needs to GTFO!

Wasn’t Deja’s “well that’s going to be a problem” line 2 episodes ago?  They did follow up with the horrible dinner where she and Malik told Randall and Beth that she was going to graduate early and move to Boston. It is hard to remember with a 2 week gap. I’m a bit miffed that after they promised a straight-through

I too was confused where Kate and Sophie’s die-hard friendship came from! AND confused why Kevin wasn’t trading a holiday for Thanksgiving. You are totally spot on.

I’m imagining a 5-year old watching Frozen, and, while mommy’s in the kitchen flipping over to Punisher.

It’s not about the actual content of the show; it’s about the content rating of the show. In the US, Disney+ contains nothing with an R or a TV-MA rating. Nothing. Those movies/shows all go to Hulu instead.

We are at the point where one huge “streaming service” actually owns another major streaming service, and is going to pretend like they are separate so they can collect two monthly fees from you. Screw Disney and Hulu. Yo ho! Yo ho...

It’s the problem of being at the whims of what they carry. That’s true of all streaming services.  

Yeah Jessica Jones really only had a great first season, and it’s also where it became apparent that these seasons should have been 8 episodes long and not 13. 

Streaming is wonderful and convenient, but I can only imagine Disney execs with big cartoon dollar signs in their eyes when they think about the potential of having people paying hundreds or thousands of dollars over the years to maintain access to a library instead of paying one finite fee to have access to physical

Only one of them was Iron Fist. Life was good.

Simple questions to ask Deja and Malik:

Agree they are leaning way to hard into this one. I don’t care that much about Nicky as a character to begin with, so even though the scenes with him were cute, they aren’t necessary to the overall telling of the story of this family.

In my experience, there’s not usually a clean-cut milestone like was portrayed in the show.  Kids will take half a step and fall a bunch of times, walk while holding onto the couch, and all sorts of combinations of walking but not really walking.  Same with talking - there will be all sorts of babbling that maybe

The point Madison was saying about how “we’ll both miss things” is to get Kevin to realize that not every moment with the children (here, the baby taking first first steps) is necessarily going to be shared by one of them or the other, or both of them. Life gets in the way and we miss things...which goes with

I wonder if some Cassidy stuff was limited by covid, in the sane way I wonder if they had planned to do more with Josh Hamilton’s doctor character but ran out of time. 

The theory I saw ( I think in the comments here, last season ) is that Madison and Phillip are secretly siblings (I believe Madison has referred to her family being British before).

My favorite part is that the kids presumably were left traumatized for at least a few days by never getting to see Fievel get reunited with his family. The movie is one long heart attack of constantly shouting “Just look over there!” as it is; I can’t imagine getting it cut off like that on first viewing as a kid.

I think that’s because it’s Madison’s house.  I was thinking, and I don’t think Kevin has had a permanent residence as an adult.  Wasn’t he living in hotels in the early seasons?