
Coming for Utica for talking behind their backs? They ALL talk about each other behind each others backs. Are we forgetting about the whole “Mean Girls” thing? Kandy, Tina and Mik are ALWAYS talking smack. Tina so badly wants to be this season’s Bianca, like some mother hen but A) she’s not funny and B) she’s not

Kandy totally just skated by on doing exactly what Silky did in her Snatch Game as “Ts Madison”; she was still herself, with a catchphrase or two thrown in, not an impersonation.

I can’t agree with this. She’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea — but villain? She hasn’t come after anyone and, again — killed it with her lipsync performance, and I was not expecting that. She’s somewhat socially tone-deaf, but she comes across as goofy, and not mean. Her Snatch Game was awful, but it was made

The whole Utica not wanting to wear a ‘fro because of appropriation seemed like a weird hill to die on here simply because as Ru and others pointed out - Bob Ross was white and Bob Ross had that hairstyle. I don’t really get how making it squirrels made it better?

The show is becoming as predictably canned as one of Ru’s “laughing jags” (and don’t get me started on *those*).

You know, since episode 4 a big elephant in the room has been “why hasn’t anybody contacted the Avengers?” but after this episode I believe I’ve found the real answer: the Avengers are bad friends. Like, it didn’t seem like Wanda was best friends with anybody on the team, but ultimately they were all teammates, and

I keep going back to that moment in the previous episode when Agatha, watching from her window, doesn’t intervene in Wanda’s showdown with Monica until the latter says “Don’t let [Hayward] make you the villain, and Wanda replies, “Maybe I already am”. In the basement and in her theme song, Agatha hams it up, almost

I think the same. That whole Salem scene was setting up the idea of a witch who has dangerous abilities, but doesn’t want to use them for evil. Unlike her mother who lashed out, Agatha probably wants to help Wanda “be good” just like she wanted to be. 

I agree...I think for reboots like this you have to either make an attempt to update it and try to make it something a modern adult would watch (like The Conners) or just straight up aim it at children and have the children as lead characters like the Boy Meets World reboot. You can’t just rehash the same plots as the

Who is this for? The youngest people who would have watched Punky Brewster when it originally aired are in their early 40s now, and the average super fan of the show is probably in their mid-to-late 40s. That does not strike me as a demographic that is going to subscribe to a new streaming service solely to indulge in

Yeah that one just seems... kind of silly and petty. It’s not like it’s a rare phenomenon that a person in their mid-‘40s might just choose to stick with the pop culture they loved when they were a kid instead of obsessively keeping up to date with the latest Top 40 hits. Especially since it seems like the whole point

Wow... this is the first time I’ve ever thought a season of Drag Race was taking too damn long to get to the finale; and that double shantay at the last minute was some straight up production/Riga-morris bullshit.

On the other hand, performers are performative.  But, it’s tough to gauge when the apology is a form filled out by a publicist or sincere.  If the person aggrieved is the one saying “this person=good” it’s usually the best sign there is.  If the person apologizing says any version of “things that could be seen as

I don’t like it when fans “demand” that some celebrity say something or stand up for their causes. It’s creepy and weird. They don’t owe you that. Also, once you “demand” it, then it becomes performative, even if it’s how they truly feel. 

I think people forget that not everyone has the same level of engagement with social media or the news and that many people’s first response to hearing distressing information about a friend or former coworker may not be to address it in a public forum.

Oh yeah, her performance is consistently great. 

There are some clues that suggest that Hayward is one of the bad guys, if not THE bad guy. The diplomas in his office are arranged in a hexagonal shape and the carpet has a hexagonal pattern. There were some other theories and possible clues, but these are the big ones.

I think you are being a little harsh on Hayward.
While he is jumping to conclusions and is very ‘gung ho’ about shooting first asking questions later, from his perspective Wanda is posing a very serious threat (though maybe not immediate) and she is basically holding thousands of people hostage, and from Monica’s own

Elizabeth Olsen is a HUGE part of why this show is working so well. She is flipping effortlessly between an angry Scarlet With, glimpses of the clearly grieving Wanda, and wacky sitcom wife.

There’s no way this will resolve “like the comics” so I’m curious where they go with the twins.