
lip synch assassin = who do fans like that we can get in LA on short notice without spending too much $

“Girls should be able to be a fan of a comedian they admire without being a sexual target. It’s the adult’s responsibility to be an adult.”

Wonderfully put.

I’ve seen countless discussions over the past week about D’Elia, Warren Ellis, and Cameron Stewart and nobody has been able to say it so aptly or succinctly.

lmao if it had kept that same edgy tone throughout, it would have been a lot better. But Ryan Murphy decided to make it a bizarre After-School Special / black comedy hybrid that flat didn’t work 80% of the time.

Nora would be The Doctor, Ray would be the Companion.

Behrad is such a gem and, you’re right, his character could have easily been one-note. But the Legends casting director(s) really has a gift for finding actors who just ooze charisma.

It is a testament to both Tala Ashe’s talents, and the writing team’s, for differentiating the two Zaris so much that hearing and seeing the voice and mannerisms for Zari Prime in the body of NuZari threw me all the way off. That is some fine actressin’. Also I discovered I still don’t care much about her with Nate.

My sympathy for this woman (and anyone who fights against their own interest) is pretty much nil.  She got what she wanted and we’ve all lost.

I did not except the show to hit the landing as great as it ended up doing as that was just awesome. Heartbreaking, certainly, but still superb.

Loved this episode to bits. Like you said, all the performances were wonderful—Tala Ashe, you wonderful human—but I really came to enjoy Shayan Siobhan as Behrad. He’s asked to do a lot this season with a character who easily could’ve been one-note, but isn’t. Love that goofy airhead. (I also cracked the F up when he

To the show’s credit, Villanelle’s desires have been always clear since s.1, even if she wasn’t able to understand them, because she doesn’t fully comprehend the feelings and how to communicate them: “fun job, nice flat, someone’s to watch movies with.”

I feel like that’s been generally the point of this season. Showing that Villanelle isn’t just some raging socio/psychopathic killing machine. That she actually has emotions and a personality, that she wants to move on to different things, and she wants a normal life. While on Eve’s end, now with no marriage, no job, h

I do think this season has blurred the lines somewhat successfully between the two main characters, with Villanelle showing more empathy and less bloodlust, and Eve increasingly aggressive and oblivious to the body count of her investigation, for the most part.

Since there was never need for Lena to make Kara anti-Kryptonite suit in Earth-Prime timeline I assume there was no atmosphere poisoning with it there (she also most likely never made synthetic Kryptonite). So I think public in this reality is mostly unaware of Kryptonite and any one possessing it keeps it a secret.

The incredibly blue eye makeup for Alex makes the costume for me. It is far, far too much, but dammit Alex deserves to be fabulous after years in her spartan DEO costumes 

I like Alex’s costume and hood but the eye makeup is weird. It’s odd that Kelly specifically mentioned a mask and then Alex doesn’t actually wear one. I also think a domino mask would work a lot better. 

Kara being so enthusiastic about Alex’s new costume is why we love Kara. That being said, when I saw it my first thought was I wish Ollie was still alive so he could tell her what a dumb idea using eye makeup in place of a mask is. I do like how the costume itself is a callback to Alex’s Supergirl getup with the

This week in Mary is the Best: calling it a “Bat Huddle”; referring to Gotham as a Greek Tragedy.

“Steroids” “Sexy cheerleaders.” LOL

I’m sure Kara will show up sooner rather than later. My guess is that next year’s crossover was supposed to be Batwoman/Supergirl until a combination of Melissa Benoist’s pregnancy and Covid tanked it.

I agree with you 100%. I thought Crystal did a much better job selling the lip synch. Which is a steller feat considering how un-bodycon her look was. Plus, it gave Crystal an opportunity to serve some sexy sass - a facet she really hasn’t had an opportunity to present to the judges. Which is what (I really think