
When it’s stealing from corporate assholes who are even bigger thieves?  You bet your ass.

I’ve been wondering if there’s supposed to be a bit of Quantum Leap going on with Dormer’s characters ie. we see her for who she is, but maybe everyone else sees a different face? Like how Santa Muerte speaks in English - maybe she’s always speaking in Spanish, but we hear it as English.

I agree, he makes very little sense as a character outside of “I’m a weak, spineless, bad guy.”

I can’t comprehend Townsend. Like two episodes ago he was being blackmailed in to helping Nazis. Okay, yet here he’s suddenly demanding that those Nazis go and kill political rivals without much story on internal conflict or anything. The character is somehow so broad that it is impossible to figure him out despite

A feeling that I had last episode is that Molly’s mother has been prostituting Molly out to wealthy parishioners for years. There was that disconnect in the stories when she said they don’t spend any time with parishioners outside of the church, and then Molly said that they’d had dinner at the Hazlett’s a few weeks

The two biggest issues with the Celebrity Drag Race:

Gigi feels like she only wanted to be a drag queen to win Rupaul’s Drag Race/$100k. It’s how she’s not clever on her feet when she needs to come up with ideas (that puppet...). Her Maria the Robot was a very calculated choice as are every single one of her runways that she planned out with her mom. Physical comedy

If it wasn’t for that bathing suit she wore for the Visage runway it would be her worst runway look.

Come on, you’re not putting Sherry in the bottom 2 for going twelve minutes overtime? It wasn’t even that funny.

It was nice getting some insight from Gigi, sometimes when you get into that headspace that you can only get it right or get it wrong then there’s no real room to let that creativity freak fully fly somewhere in the middle. I think the judges were right that there’s something a little dark and twisted in that head of

I thought I would be more upset when Heidi went home but I gotta say, the bitch killed it this season. She is so wonderful and so talented but it was nice to see her get a big, proper send off like Latrice on Season 4. She’ll be AS Top 3 for sure.

why would anyone invite this person to speak to their group?  unless...nambla?

It’s a good thing that Dascha’s plan hinged on Eve completely freezing and not chasing after Nico’s killer like most people in Eve’s line of work would because I’m not sure how an octogenarian could outrun an even moderately fit middle aged woman like Eve.

I don’t think Geraldine’s a spy because that would be terrible writing (what are the chances of a spymaster’s daughter being a spy for the other side?). I think she’s been trying to come out to her mom but her mom’s not giving her the chance.

imo that’s exactly what will happen. In an episode about choices Dasha made a really bad one. She miscalculated.

She’s only not an obvious frontrunner because we haven’t seen her narrative in the show, but her actual performance results has her up in contention. She had two wins under her belt, she hasn’t been in the bottom, and the judges seem to love her. Sh*rry may not personally be your taste, but maxi challenge wins are

I mostly liked the episode, I was a bit underwhelmed, but it may grow on me. I wanted to mention one thing that occurred to me, though: in general, I’m not super thrilled with the notion that people do bad things because evil demons made them do it, rather than accepting that human societies are capable of producing

Carolyn: “Couldn’t we be sad and listen to good music?”

This is actually a very good point!
Also, Villanelle checking out the water pressure in the bathroom made me laughed so hard, because yes, it is important! Thank you.

No hyperbole, that was one of the most beautiful endings to a series that I’ve ever seen. It will stick with me for a long time.

There were BBS's as early as 1978 and Compuserve was active throughout the 80's before they were finally swallowed up by AOL, but it looked to me like they're running a BBS, and there were modem speeds of 300 baud to 14.4k during the 80's depending on what year the show claims it is, so no, not necessarily, the