
Not gonna lie, at first I thought it was Matt Stone.

I wonder how much of this decision is based off of the newer versions of LTE being able to handle more bandwidth.

I pay $80/month for my plan that has unlimited data. I usually use 8 GB/month which would cost $130/month and force me to actually watch my data because I have months where I go way over 8 GB. Yes, it is worth it for me to keep my grandfathered plan rather than get the subsidy.

The upside down apostrophe is what makes the whole logo. Although it is odd that the logo is wearing a hat that doesn't have the logo.

For Folk, maybe they included "Cotton-Eyed Joe" by Rednex (came out in 94 but could have affected 95) and "You Don't Know How it Feels" by Tom Petty sales in the genre. Even if they didn't, those two songs may have gotten people to look up Folk music.

The Orioles should have points taken off for eliminating the Yankees.

Youhave never heard Bucnation?

They have lately had a good road following, but other than Nationals Ballpark (which doesn't count because there are so many fans of both teams) and the crowd that went to see their season "end" in Wrigley (which that stadium is a get invaded magnet and the O's rarely play there) I wouldn't call the fan presence a

The detestable owners make us more endearing because people feel sorry for us having to deal with our owners. Although I feel like a few more good years from the O's and people will forget they ever hated him (except Nats fans).

You're completely ignoring the fact that the only reason the Bucs had a short field was the 29 yard punt. Make a decent punt and the Bucs aren't playing with a short field and probably don't win.

It did eventually thicken up to something that resembles chili. Definitely not the best chili I have made but that is to be expected considering the lack of actual chili ingredients I had available.

Well, I wasn't planning on even getting out of bed today but just reading this made me so hungry for chili I had to get up and give it a go. I open my fridge and fuckin' a, all I have is beer, a bag of potatoes, a bag of peanut butter filled pretzels, some grade F burger patties, and a tub of ice cream. I didn't feel

It is cool that he finally got his chance. Caleb Joseph was contemplating retirement this off-season after spending 6 years in the minors without a call up but luckily he stuck with it and now he is playing on a playoff team. It was a big deal last year when he set a franchise record for games played at Bowie so I

For whatever reason they started asking Norris about his fantasy league which got him to slip a shit on the air.

I find it hard to order a Saison when trying out new beer because you never know what you are going to get. I have had them range anywhere from tasting almost like an IPA, to a Belgian Strong Ale, to a Weizen. Unfortunately, I just can't get into Weizens, making the risk of it tasting like one make me shy away.

But seriously though, the O's would be in first place if Jones would learn to take a pitch every now and then.

Nobody calls it Forman Mills... It's Foooorrrrrmuuuuuunnnnn Miiiiiillllllsss!

Is that the nickname from back in the Hoiles years?

Korea, this is not what the American saying "flip-out" means.

Maybe she was just nervous about finally getting to fulfill her lifelong dream of throwing out the first pitch to Sarah Jessica Parker.