
I find these puns to be unbearable.

Perhaps Bartolo Colon would lose some weight if he were at Spring Training working out like he should be instead of fucking around in Sochi and terrifying all the people.

Here's some more photos

Swelling of the breasts...Looks like someone is having issues with his testosterone/ male estrogen levels.

I believe it has to happen before the shot. Also, the risk that the refs don't call the net being moved means you still have to make a go at blocking the puck.

Wait, that last thing happens in real life? I thought that was something that only happened on the internet.

It would have been much less risky to throw a turtle shell at him.

Aww, come on!

Here's the item description for the MLB Ugly Sweaters

You can have it because they definitely won't be taking any fruit.

Hefty Lefty tried to carry the ball

Microsoft Painting... I don't have photoshop on this computer.

This photo however, taken from the Russian Women's Hockey Team's bathroom is real

A lot of the "Go Broncos!" that came up on Facebook could have also been sarcastic.

This bearly has anything to do with sports.

I have uncovered a photo of the Redskins' think tank meeting to discuss their next course of action

Last time I checked, steam is an object, not a physical force. Next time, check your facts. Atmospheric pressure is the force you are looking for.

I would sit back, crack open a beer, and watch the world end.

Imagine the riots in the streets you would see if baseball would try to ban home plate collisions or if Gooddell would consider eliminating the extra point. Cities would burn!