It's ok. If you have any problems with GateKeeper all you need to do is call Rick Moranis.
It's ok. If you have any problems with GateKeeper all you need to do is call Rick Moranis.
Welp, it looks like my Droid X may finally be reaching the end of its support cycle.
A 10.1 inch screen is more than twice as big as a 5.4 inch screen. It's closing in on 4 times as big.
That was my first guess. The fact that that man's hair is going gray could have an impact on it not turning purple.
Are we going to have a "If you comment on this article you will be banned" next week?
Unfortunately for Youk, Gisele got the hotter of the Brady sisters.
0101100101? That's gibberish!
At the pace they are going this offseason, the O's are going to have to instead of playing "Orioles Magic" after wins start playing "Turning Japanese."
Maryland does have a lot of bandwagon Phillies fans. 4 or 5 years of being good but inevitably choking and everyone seems to have forgotten that the Phillies have sucked for the previous 100 years.
Looks like those Phillies fans spell about as well as the Natinals shirt guy.
Sorry, didn't see the reply since I usually browse on my phone.
They really need to work on their evolution answers. The claim is not that humans evolved from monkeys nor apes. The claim is that monkeys and apes share a common ancestor with humans.
I'll just stick with spiking my juice.
It could be less sinister than that; it could have been the student trying to recreate one of da Vinci's best works just to see if he could as part of his learning.
Ever since I launched a bottle cap all the way across a table off of my eye after using the edge of the table to open the bottle during a fish biology trip I don't go anywhere without 5 bottle openers on my keychain. Environmental Scientists are all borderline alkies as well...
Mine is super naked... The battery cover to my phone is somewhere in the streets of Chicago and will probably never be seen again. Other than losing the battery cover though, my phone has survived many a drunk nights and falls and throws and keys being placed in the pocket with it and...
It has to do with your focus so small images will show the image. As said by someone else, if you are viewing the image on than the image can be seen on the home screen without shaking your head.
He really should look into calling about that leak repair service.
I was thinking it was covering the extra expenses they have incurred for website hosting after Deadspin Readers flood their site once a month.
I had originally typed out the last sentence with every other word intentionally misspelled or using the wrong word but decided that it would have been obnoxious. I guess I missed fixing that one when changing my sentence. :-/