Ceiling Cat

It’s a gross conflict of interest. Theoretically I’m not against doctors talking to some people in her life, because sometime you do need to talk to people who have be there to observe your patient outside of the office to assess their current state. But it’s sketchy as fuck to include input from people whose primary

I’m pretty sure the Doctors she is seeing shouldn’t be talking to her managers. That’s a bit odd. 

Agreed. I have had great experiences in therapy, and found it more effective in treating my depression than medication. But it was only that effective for me because I had a therapist who I trusted and had great rapport with. Finding the right therapist is crucial, and it’s not just finding someone with great

I would think if she has been in therapy for 13 years and things still are hard for her I would question if she is seeing the right person or has the right diagnoses.

It does feel like the dancing circus bear is finally able to speak for itself and confirm life has been just as awful as it looked. 

“during these proceedings, Jamie Spears has sold the family home and is currently living in an RV parked in a warehouse full of Britney Spears memorabilia in her hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana.”

i thought staycations were in your area, not in your home. like you book a hotel to get out of your home but not with the hassle of actually hauling ass somewhere else entirely. regardless, elizabeth hurley is a fucking babe. 

A staycation is when you stay in a hotel or resort or whatever in your home town or close to your hometown.

Oh, Jason Lin, “her and Vin?” She and Vin . . . !

Guess it’s time for this to come back again regarding Kayne

No. Andy Dwyer was an annoying character who was incapable. Chris Pratt is someone who hangs round with homophobes and right-wing conspiracists who is incapable.

Obviously I don’t know any of these people personally, so this is based purely on their public personas, but I can’t imagine going from Bradley Cooper to Kanye West. I’d rather be single.

I’m no Kim apologist, but her own bank account is pretty fucking stuffed, and her first two husbands weren’t exactly filthy rich, so I don’t think that’s her motivation.

Perhaps Irina is one of those women who thinks they can "fix" the man.  Good luck with that!

Mind you, Kim Kardashian gave up on it too. A woman who pretty much never met a stuffed bank account she didn’t like. That says something...

Wait wait wait!

Wait. I thought that it was Democrats and antifa who were the ringleaders.

Well, maybe it’ll finally be the thing to destroy this beer soaked rat’s maze of a country. Hopefully Mexicans and Native Americans come to take it back while leaving the rest of us to cut our swath elsewhere.

Whilst out and about today, I happened across a small (maybe 20 people) gathering of anti-vax\anti-mask protesters. Their signs ranged from a Taylor-Greeneesque assertion that any safety guidelines = a New Holocaust to we’re all guinea pigs for Big Vax to the Chinese are trying to destroy us with a virus that also is

Yeah, no. Sorry but these people shouldn’t be allowed back on the streets in any capacity.