Ceiling Cat

I just keep reminding myself that I'm not stuck here forever (another 5 years, max) and that it'll go by quickly. I've already been here 2.5 years, and it's gone by really fast. I also try to focus on the positive aspects of living here, like the fact that it's a gorgeous mountain valley surrounded by wilderness and

I'm currently in the process of weaning off Cipralex, which is in the same family of drugs as Celexa. I was on 20mg for most of the last 10 years, and have been tapering the dose gradually for the past 8 months. Not gonna lie, it hasn't been easy. When I first started tapering, I would get these random episodes of

Good on you for defriending and not dignifying her bullshit with a response. Ugh.

I just replied to someone else's post and mentioned how great he is in The Normal Heart. First thing I've seen him in since FNL where I wasn't constantly thinking Riggins Riggins Riggins...

Co-signed. But I have to say, despite the fact that I never thought he'd be able to shake that character, he was really good in The Normal Heart. Not Riggins-y at all... I was able to enjoy his performance without constantly thinking Riggins Riggins Riggins while watching. Can't say the same for any of the other stuff

Not to mention the bags are ass-ugly. I know that's just my own personal taste speaking, but I don't get the allure. The brown and gold colours look totally 70s-tacky to me.

OMG that would make me rage! I don't understand how people can be so obnoxious with food in shared spaces.

Ah, that makes sense!

Ooooh office mates who are obnoxious with the food sounds and smells are my ultimate peeve. Crunchy foods, like carrots, crackers and chips, in a shared workspace? NO. Stinky foods, like tuna or egg salad sandwiches, or peanut butter anything in said shared workspace? Hell to the NO. Combining the stench of a tuna

Jesus Christ, they sound like the table from hell. Rude!

Can't say I've ever been to a Crumbs because I've never seen one in my neck of the woods, but "Crumbs" is kind of a terrible name for a cupcake business. Crumbs are the bits that are leftover after you're done eating the good stuff. Crumbs get brushed/wiped away. Why would anybody want to eat crumbs??? I suppose if


I switched to a vape about three months ago and it 100% killed my desire to smoke from a joint/pipe/bong ever again. Compared to the vape, everything else tastes like licking an ashtray to me now. And I used to LOVE my joints. Like, chronic daily smoker for the past ten years LOVE. The taste from a vape is so nice and

And don't forget about the beaver tails and nanaimo bars. Om nom nom!

I 'cheers' you with a caesar cocktail, while we dine together on virtual poutine, ketchup chips, and maple syrup-doused Canadian bacon, eh. ;-)

Also, Canadians! There are more than 5 of us, I'm sure. ;-)

Yes - clearly they have gotten some kind of encouraging/positive responses in the past to keep it up, right? Or maybe it's more like a compulsion... IDK. In any case, it's bizarre!

Jesus Christ!!!