
TODAY’S SPECIAL is REAL!!!! (Canadian points if you know the show I’m referring to :-) )

I bet a lot of people on Kinja, and the Internet as a whole, know EXACTLY what happened.

You can fuck right off with that bullshit.

I feel like clarifying that it was the MOTHER as opposed to a STRANGER who killed the children takes it to a new level of awful and is absolutely pertinent to the story.

“Lady stabs four children to death; officials speculate that it may have something to do with the fact that they were related to her.”

Why were you “horrified” by the title?

I think there’s room in this world for both Hollywoodlife and Justin Bieber to be horrible.

I’m crying, too.

Way to miss the entire fucking point.

Methinks the point has flown right over your wee head.

is there any way to donate to the clinic that performed it? even if it’s just going to fix the leaky roof, they deserve as much help as they can get for offering their services to women in situations like this.

I’m not a crier. I rarely cry. But I cried now. What a brave woman. What a scary country we live in. I just dearly hope it doesn't get any scarier than it already is for anyone who is not a cishet white man.

How selfless and incredible of this woman to share such a painful, heartbreaking yet insightful story. So much love going out to her.

Why, it’s a total mystery that requires further study, a-hyuk. And we’ll get right on that, we will, a-hyuk.


I LOL-d so hard at his multiple open-mouthed/slack-jawed looks throughout this. Also, I watched the trailer before I read Bobby’s write-up and thought the girl was supposed to be Dermot’s daughter, not wife, and that there was some weird incest-y thing happening. Now that I know the actual plot, it’s somehow worse b/c

She was born with a silver-plated plastic spoon in her mouth.