Everyone knows that “R” is for race mode. Selecting it simply enables the race gears in your transmission, hence the louder more awesome noise.
Everyone knows that “R” is for race mode. Selecting it simply enables the race gears in your transmission, hence the louder more awesome noise.
You are far from the only one. Someone gave me a portable handheld FM radio in elementary school. Took that sucker completely apart. Even managed to put it together again and it worked. It’s a sickness that doesn’t go away. The first time I opened an engine I was in heaven.
Crash survivability is all about energy that needs to be dissipated and how you dissipate it. Honestly that heli did not hit the water moving that fast. The initial hit and skid on the water took care of most of the engery, and then the roll and flop took care of the rest. As long as they were belted in that was a…
Dude, if you know your car, swapping is easy. I could have the engine out of my old Lemons car in an hour with no help. We did a track side swap that included moving a lot of parts to the new engine and letting everything cool in about 5 hours. I’ve seen teams swap out a busted engine and get back on track in less…
You have no idea how many people say that, and then don’t follow up. I made a set of lamps out of motorcycle parts (disk rotors, transmission gears, shocks, etc). One I gave to my brother, one I managed to sell, the other is in my living room. And this was after about 10 people said exactly the same thing.
I knew there was at least one sane writer on this site. Down with the Miata. Bring on the interesting cars.
I hope they get the rest right. They’re still trying too hard to be the old show, which they can’t do. Kill the stig and give that role to Sabine. She always seems like she’s playing along with jokes but doesn’t actually understand them. She’d be good for giving blunt honest evaluations of cars. Get Harris, Reid, and…
As much as I want to, I can’t stay up for the whole thing. It just ruins me for a few days if I do. But i’ll watch every second I can from 9am tomorrow through roughly 1am. Then I’ll be up early and listening to radio Le Man as I drive down to my parents for fathers day.
My tickets to the Ford Hype Train are purchased…
Even in racing there are people who can’t grasp the concept of turning on your lights in inclement weather.
Funny, I too had that experience on my ‘12 WRX. But I have one of just about every oil filter wrench ever made in my tool box. That sucker didn’t stand a chance.
I got that combination from a family friend that works as a mechanic for one of the major airlines. It’s what those guys use. I use it whenever I run out of Kroil.
Screwdriver through the filter makes me cringe. I’ve seen that fail so many times. It just tears through and leaves you with half a filter still attached and sharp edges. Don’t start an oil change if you don’t have the tools. Actually, that’s the tip, make sure you have the right tools before you go diving in.
Oh, and…
Oh god. I still have depressed dreams about mine. 1989 Dodge Daytona Shelby Lemons car. Second ever race. We put the “rebuilt” engine back in the car, fire it up, and oil is coming out of the bell-housing. Well, clearly it’s the trans input shaft seal because the engine has a brand new rear main seal. We have 2 days…
Projected release is 2023. at least if we’re sticking to the timeline used for the new NSX in general.
Stock tool roll that came with my 1975 KZ400. I swear I can disassemble the entire bike with just those tools. They even included feeler gauges for the valves.
Big deal. You can do that in almost any car. I’ve done it in a base 1.6L Civic for god’s sake. It doesn’t take a ton of torque to make a car move away from stopped.
Congrats, you missed the point. I meant that you too can go simulate a direct drive and see what I mean about no longer having the joys of ringing out an engine. Sure the Koenigsegg is very fast, but I still want a car that I can run the engine to redline.