Cees Timmerman

I like kangaroo meat more than beef.

Slap some cheese on it, and call it a minimally-processed burger!

That’s excess protein, and stuff that didn’t fully digest. Lots of animals eat poop to further digest the tough cells in them; cows even have that built-in.

But synthetic fertilizer is radioactive!

I don’t remember my Windows 7 nagging me for reboots, only for an update to Windows 10 which has lost me valuable dev time on another machine when i misclicked on a full screen reboot rescheduling popup.

True. Run this on Ubuntu older than 13.10:

I’d sync the riff start with the first bullet impact.

So the women who answer "A no is just a yes that needs a little convincing." are rapists? I thought they were just annoyingly vague and thus commented "Enjoy your rape, vague people."

Paid site users only seem to message me when i haven't paid yet.

I don't think anybody got my AND and NOT joke.

And most females simply don't respond in that case. Some get angry though.

You advertise short-term dating and don't expect every shotgunning male on there to spam you?

Well there you have it. Single player is more fun when you can pass the controller to see how far your friends get.

Isn't that because you're much busier and aren't around gamer friends much anymore?

DVD menus often mix thumbnails and text, so that may have been interpreted as a separate button.

Notepad++ uses the same Scintilla component that SciTE does, but comes with nice defaults so you don't have to spend time configuring it on each new machine.

"that the market is mainly guys (nope, 40% of women are gamers!)" That leaves 60% being men or other, which is indeed a majority and thus the main target audience for games they enjoy.