
A modder has extracted a map of Bloodborne’s Upper Cathedral Ward from Dark Souls Remastered and opened it within Grand Theft Auto V.

I have watched and listened to Totalbiscuit’s work for a lot of years. He could be brazen and loud, but underneath all of that was someone who believed that there was really something called Truth, which is not created, but uncovered and (mis)represented.

Taking some well deserved rest after 8 stress filled years is now considered abandonment? If I were him, I’d peace out permanently if that was some ingrate’s attitude.

He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years. He’s a fucking private fucking citizen and can do whatever the fuck he wants.

... it’s hard to argue with clicking into Wu-Tang right as a geisha stabs a shogun in the neck. If he’d listened to the Clan he’d have known to protect it.

And and who had one of the best lines in the series with:

“We Never Kill”

This is the video version of unseasoned chicken, right?


This seems like an unjustified attack, the OP did not say he could not write female characters. He doesn’t need to have a black wife to write interesting black women, he has a mother, perhaps sisters and friends. He can still make his art, and who knows, it could be great.

This kinda hits home. I guess I’m sort of a “creative” (I write plays and have one being performed in a black play festival in Texas next month #selfpromo) but not a famous or super talented one by any means. I met my SO - not black - at my regular poetry night at a Mexican-family owned bar more than 15 years ago. I

I’m just saying. All week I’ve seen Donald Glover ripped to shreds basically because someone reminded the world that he has a white woman at home and then his past issues with Asian women fetish and black women disses and how women are represented on Atlanta SUDDENLY became an issue?

That’s some Toni Morrison G shit.

The creepiest thing to me is that it seemed so human like in it’s cadence, hesitation, and all that. So now... the only way to tell if someone is a human in the future is for them to talk like a robot so you know it’s not a robot.

a few skips down the rabbit hole and computers will put US in boxes and use us as random

While I don’t disagree with you I think for folks like Glover who grew up in the 80s and 90s, things were different back then.

I feel you on your point. I don’t get why dudes go straight to the “black women hate” agenda so fast. People call it how they see it. If it appears that way, then its perceived that way. But I will say one this... I kinda feel where he’s coming from on his old “jokes”. Because I had that same issue back in high

Interesting, because it really seems like you believe that if a black man “sleeps white” then he somehow can no longer “talk black” (your own words)- so is there a diminishment of blackness in your mind if someone happens to be in a relationship with a white woman?

let’s think about what all a person who can afford a Centenario would haul after realizing their falsely labeled weight limit was more than expected: