
As someone still recovering from definite fractures to just one leg... get well, man. Hope it’s not too bad.

Can we just acknowledge that, of all the ways a dust fade-out could be depicted... Sam Jackson’s fade-out still managed to be the most badass?
Oh MotherF....::fade::

Spidey sense, he could feel it happening before it did.

Probably because the game requires it.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

Dang that’s rough. This level of composure always blows my mind, how someone can talk about their eminent leaving of this world in such a matter-of-fact way, and continue to focus on their profession.

how do all these idiots hold jobs that pay enough for a tesla?

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For some reason, for me, this evokes Bob Beamon’s record-shattering long jump at the 1968 Olympics. He jumped past the maximum of the measurement equipment on the ground, so the officials had to get out measuring tape and figure out how far he jumped. That record remained unbroken for decades. It was such an amazing

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If it’s anything remotely as cool as this I’m all in.

Came looking for this. Not disappointed.

For Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, it’s primarily Tony Stark and Steven Strange. “Not dissimilar personalities. Both great powerful actors. We were really excited for the fun that would happen when those two met. And it’s amazing,” Feige told io9.

I once got to be like one of those douchebags, in a Mustang GT350, so beautiful to hear the sound bounce off of the nearby buildings... Yeah I regret nothing there.

I find that so damn interesting that you basically need to go back to the place it all begins, your home, for it to “finish”.

You come in, hoping to read some gaming news and then...

Anybody who has a problem with this should be IP blocked for eternity.

Man. I’m jealous of people where a typical mortgage is under $245k!! I mean... that’s around $310k CAD, which is less than I bought my house for over a decade ago.

Someone REALLY likes Astons

Heathcliff Huxtable being a “gynecologist” with his “office” in the basement of his home should have tipped us off that he had a sex dungeon that whole fucking time too.