Maybe he was liar profiling.
Maybe he was liar profiling.
In his letter to Kanye, Doctor Adams makes the strongest point when he tells him you cant plead ignorance (stupidity, as he put it) if you are claiming unconditional love. That is the problem with Kanye, when he promotes Trump but then uses the cover of ignorance to shield himself from the responsibility of knowing…
Woo hee! That FB page is full of twisted mind-fuckery conspiracies. And people raising their ugly Huxtable sweaters high on their middle fingers, vowing to turn their grandkids and great-grandkids into Cosby diehard fans, keep the legend burnished. It will only tarnish further though. (Yay!) And the WhatAboutIsm is…
Conscience take a holiday. And the WhatAboutIsm is like kids playing ‘doctor’: “I’ll show you mine (ethics) IF you show me yours!” That’s a sure sign you dont have them. That’s not how ethics work. I checked the FB piece - full of wild eyed conspiracies, lots of crying into their ugly Cosby sweaters, vowing to…
Sad that he says he doesnt know what conservative is, he hasnt “researched” it, which translates into waving a huge ad for a product you dont know about, and worse, dont care to know about, even though it is a product that produces laws & regs & policies that are doing and undoing things that are affecting the masses…
Hate to shatter your crystal ball, but Ive never pressured anyone into sex or wanted anyone to pressure or get pressured. And I am a woman, hetero, btw. Im defending ETHICS because I believe this behavior is not ethical - hers! You’re defending Grace because you want to make this behavior normal - a pack of mean girls…
I will look at that. Ok. Done. Yeah. Yuk. He really wants to get it on. And... ??? Still no forcing, just repeated attempts while very horny... So leave! No one stopping her! Maybe communicate how she felt to him later. And hey, she did do those things. That is responsible. Unfortunately, Babe found her and…
Did he force her clothes off when she tried to put them back on? No, and, oh wait... she didnt try to put them back on. What sort of CUE is that? Even after spending 5 minutes in the bathroom “collecting herself” she apparently didnt collect her clothes and put them on. Instead she went back and engaged in round 2. I…
Get used to it.
No it is not newsworthy. It is shameful. Disgusting. And creepy.
Predators! The predators are Babe and Grace, the anonymous outter. She lectured Aziz by text about his insensitivity, saying she hoped he’d learn for the future. How nice. Then she vomited his ‘bad moves’ to the world. I think the only thing he learned from this is to have each date sign an NDA from the get-go.
Is that what it takes now to have ‘real’ group discussions about serious issues? Naming and shaming someone? Scary.
It’s my worst thing to come out of #metoo. And seeing comments like yours, which means there are women who will enable and cheer on this disgusting sort of behavior - dragging men guilty of ‘bad moves’ into the public square, infantilizing women with pacifiers instead of empowering them with responsibility, enabling…
Yes, he did. He was not a ‘bad man.’ The public puking of her unhappiness is what I find disgusting in all this. Instead of taking responsibility herself to learn what to do, what NOT to do, in such circumstances in future, she lectures him and then blabs about him to all the world, while guarding her own anonymity.…
Women have felt pressured by Joe down the block and their own insecurities for ages. Putting his alleged ‘power’ into it muddies the waters of her responsibility. That includes taking responsibility for her insecurities and for being unwilling to say no to a celebrity. She ate. She puked. Then she dumped the vomit on…
It should never have been published at all. No one - not Babe, not Jezebel, not the most “woke,” wisest woman of the feminist universe (who had the “range or depth”) could have gotten this right the moment they published it. It shouldn’t have been published by anyone except for this terribly irresponsible, immature,…
“Thought he was being sexy and hot”? Maybe felt horny (oh my!) and hoped he was being sexy and hot. Happens like 1 billion times - and fails. Kind of like badly conceived start ups. What a horrible thing that young woman did - used her own ignorance, confusion, disappointment and need to tattle to the world about bad…