Ceedub James

There is absolutely NO REASON parents who can’t afford a school uniform should have to pay for it. NONE. It’s part of the school equipment a kid needs, so I have no issue with tax money covering it. Sending a kid home because of the condition of their clothing is cruel. If somebody cared, or they had something better,

Agreed. She is a racist, hateful person. For some reason, if you dress up a racist in well coifed blond hair, an attractive visage, and a designer wardrobe it can go pretty far. Even after spewing intolerant, inaccurate spittle, NBC showed that they are hardly a progressive liberal medium by choosing to hire her. If

I am so glad you made the leap. That woman is heinous...

Awwww, come on, I’d give you 73% kind sir!!! And, for being funny and self-deprecating, we’ll add an additional 10 percentage points of right-ness!!!


Bottom shelf? Oh my word, that is freakin’ hilarious!!!! Must use...

That would be great, if we could also pay damages to the people who were victimized by said egregious behavior. Seriously, you hit it right on the head, the Police are just descendants of slave and indentured servant ‘catchers’. They are here to protect the ruling class and their property, from everyone else. If their

Right? I posted about this outrage yesterday. You assaulted and sexually abused that woman and I hope you lose your jobs,and she sues you for physical and mental anguish, public humiliation, false arrest, and punitive damages. And, as far as that murderer in Nashville, how the FUCK can you lose a naked ass white boy

Whoa, what’s up with her nose?

Yes you can. I was shocked that the rest of the Starbucks patrons didn’t stand and block this shizzle in solidarity. It’s just assumed “they” must have done, “...something wrong...”, because, LEO doesn’t just arrest people for NOTHING. Right? Guess what, every single day Black and Brown folks are arrested, jailed,

Same here.

I liked this.

Lord, I wish all women and POC who voted for Bernie Sanders had taken more than a moment before they placed their votes. I know Hillary the Horrible was not the best of the best; but, my God, did we have to give the WORST of the WORST the 0pportunity to destroy our Democracy? I don’t know if being a celebrity should

LOL!!!! OMG!!! That’s hilarious! It’s okay Dad. Look, 3 years is a long time, right?

The world is seriously f—ked up, if THIS guy has movie, video, et al contracts for...well, anything other than stocking shelves at the Toys R Us bankruptcy sale...I can’t. And, so us Black folks LIKE this guy? A guy who would compare a woman getting her make up done to a raging gorilla? Perhaps someone should have

He’s horrible. But, wtf is up with the undergarments on the First Lady and Daughter? Those have got to be the worst fitting bras ever!!! Y’all RICH! You can hire someone to come to your home to fit you correctly. You need an older woman with half-glasses and a tape measure, and’ y’all be just fine. That is no way to

Thank you. Now, everyone, back to your regularly scheduled programing.

I agree. A million a year is the least they could do. And, they obviously need to start a fund of some kind as we KNOW there are likely other people in that prison who should not be there. Jesus. We like shouting how our legal system is all, “Innocent until PROVEN Guilty”; when in reality, it should read, “Innocent,


WTF is that album cover all about? OMG! I have never hard a song from this chick, but if you gotta do all that on the cover, it makes me feel like the actual “music” may just...suck...