Cedric Maxwell's Silver Hammer

It’s so weird that so many people independently decided that MAGA gear and Trump slogans were a great way to intimidate minorities. It couldn’t possibly that all of those people easily understood the messaging behind those things. I’ve been told that would be an unfair interpretation of the facts. So, clearly, they

Fucking great. This will legitimize the MAGA lies that Chicago is full of black men who can’t stop shooting.

“First off, it's chipS, and the answer is 'all pockets'." - Andy Reid

So, Massachusetts and Connecticut.

Certainly not the first time some Arians have complained about the work ethic of a Brown.

The only thing worse than Veterans would be, like, a blatant racial slur or something.

Pictured: That face you make after finding the perfect substitute for the n-word. 

Ben Simmons almost turned him into Joel Embid.

The only thing Trump can dodge is the draft.

The Giants “forced” three fumbles by being on the field at the same time as the Bears. There was no contact involved.

Joe Buck Vs. Troy Aikman Vs. A Bear Breaking Into The Studio

With Anderson’s farts, sometimes its Scottish and crap! 

Trust the Brocess

i appreciate this song for one non musical reason: it is what i imagine cocaine feels like. too much energy and confidence, and ultimately very disappointing and expensive/regrettable.

Both. You don’t get from Maine to Chile in only 12 years without cutting out bathroom breaks.

If true, this is reprehensible. But I’ve been to over a dozen championship parades, and I’ve never witnessed a player subject to attacks from a fan.

That was the 90's! We served our penance. Because those of us who are old enough to remember it, and now bask in our continual glory... well, that just makes us all the more insufferable.

Honestly, the best thing Greggggggggg ever did in his ESPN2 columns was mock Mel Kiper and his endless mock drafts that predicted all the picks in all the rounds. Not only is the draft a crap shoot, player success is also dependent on what team takes them, what coaches they have and what system they get stuck in.

Maybe it’s that one of them is being honest about his mental health struggles and taking responsibility for his actions, while the other is functionally indistinguishable from any other unhinged racist?

I dunno, man, that tactic worked on my Sony Discman just fine.