
Driving a 2002 Audi TT headed for work. I was behind a Volvo station wagon with a mountain bike on a roof rack. I never tailgate so I was several car lengths behind it. In slow motion, I saw the bike coming loose. It slid off the back and was bouncing wheel over wheel right down the center of my lane. I glanced over

Looks great! Almost makes me want to try it on my wife’s 2002 Mercedes.

That’s like renting an apartment. It’s more than my mortgage.

Because they cost too damn much!


No, taking it out of the pension affects the members directly for future viability of the fund and for present funding for current members receiving their pension. Either that or their healthcare fund. Those are what hurts a union the most.

I hope the young man quits FedX and goes over to UPS if he wants to remain in the delivery business.

So, you’d be willing to pay the $5000 even if you weren’t part of the sideshow and were just trying to go home?

One thing those tires do is leave shredded steel wires on the road where they spin their donuts. I got a flat in my bike tire and found a tiny piece of steel wire that I had to pull with tweezers.

What if you were just a commuter, trying to go home? My 90 and 93 year old parents live in the city and I live in Oakland. If they called me over for something in the evening, I could have very well been caught up in that mess trying to go back home.

I think I live in a fairly “decent” location, the SF Bay Area. My parents who have lived here since my dad got out of the army at the end of the Korean war lived in SF had been paying for garbage pickup all of my life. Since I moved out of the house in 1977, I’ve also paid for trash pick up in Oakland.

What happened to denial of services for non payment? If you don’t pay, we don’t pick up your trash. That would have been a much gentler reminder than arresting an 80+ year old woman. WTF?

If I could afford one, it would be in my driveway. It would be nice to find a lightly used V8 1st generation. Might be as close to affordable as one could be (in my price range).

So, if one of the friends supposedly stole the bike, why is his hand around this person’s neck? 

What did Oprah know and how soon did she know it? I’d really like to hear her version, and if she’s still in contact with him.


I’d take it if someone gave it to me.

1973 Porsche 911-T

If I won the lottery, I’d pay $150-200K for it based just on the exclusivity of it. But, no where near what they’re asking for it. That’s Singer Porsche prices.

That reminds me of the Volvo 60 series.