
Global warming is melting the ice shelf. What chance does a mere cube have.

Well, if you don’t want those credits, don’t buy an EV. 

Great adventure. I’d gone on a safari in South Africa last November and could relate to your animal encounter stories. We did the guided tour route but it might have been fun to be out on our own like you describe. Wonder if my Subaru WRX would made it.


The cynic in me says, that’s why he doesn’t care. They have the numbers to kill us and not worry so much about collateral damage on their side.

It becoming increasingly hard to like white people right now. I’ll do all I can do to remain civil, but, don’t try me...

I hope, one day, my kids get treated by this class of doctors. They’ll be in great hands.

When the cop’s union dues and health and welfare funds start paying those fines, they’ll stop fucking up. As long as it doesn’t affect their money, there’s no incentive to stop killing unarmed people.

“Allegedly” the guy on the ground had a head.

Modified Miata?

Candace Owens is a special kind of bootlicker.”

Every generation, some great athlete comes along in their respective sport and dominates. Wilt Chamberlin came, and went. Edwin Moses came and went, same with Michael Phelps. Caster Semenya’s time will pass too. She shouldn’t be denied her moments of dominance due to something beyond her control. If Jarmila Kratochvílo

and, you know this how?


“We follow all school board policies whether we are in-person learning or distance learning. We take the safety of all our students and staff very seriously. Safety is always our number one priority.”

Wow! Even looking at all the safety equipment around the jump, that’s still impressive. 

You think they’d be busting in the door for a teenage petty thief in a nice white suburb?

Maybe they let her sit “blackstage” and watch.

I sure this woman wasn’t chosen for her physique. Naw, wouldn’t happen...

Black people get shot and killed for a lot less than that.