Diamond, Silk and Mudcloth?
Diamond, Silk and Mudcloth?
What compels white people to do this shit? What do they get out of it? What happened to just letting folks go about their business without harassing them?
“Barbers Hill School” This would be the name of the school. How fitting. How sad that we’re still fighting for an education over our hair. Just our whole being, upsets white folks. When will they overcome?
“Now to piss off some of Kamala Harris’ supporters: not once did Michelle mention her name, which to me was the icing on the cake.”
We encountered them roaming through restaurants in Havana Cuba. They seemed pretty chill.
So, those “bumps” I see people put on the roof of the WRX just above the rear window are actually functional?
Someone was spoofing my phone number and sending the cops out claiming someone called 911 from this house. I asked, “Are they still on the line?” They said yes. I brought my cell phone and house phone to the door and let them listen to the dial tone. One guy walked into my house with his hand on his taser. I asked…
Do they have a walk through hair washing station as you leave the white house? There have to be so many people with their heads up Drumpf’s ass, that, they have shit in their hair. There’s certainly shit in their ears because they aren’t listening to logic.
Yea, he’s resisting getting hit in the head. Seems like a fairly natural human response.
Who is he?
I’m waiting for someone to publish his tax returns. That’s the “tell all “ book I want to read.
I just bought me with the Subaru Outback Turbo, 250 hp. So, they’re out there for 2020 if you want one.
Price is too high. Maybe $10K for a car from 2005.
So, maybe 240 on 91? Someone did a conversion above and estimated 250 (or so) on 93. CA only gets 91, tops.
What’s the weight of the 3? It might be lighter of other economy turbo cars in its class. I know a Subaru WRX gets 268 hp with 258 lbs on a 2.0 liter engine and that seems like the sweet spot between hp and torque numbers at that price point.
I’m hoping word gets out that counter protesters are in a different part of town. One, so Drumpf can’t include them in any visual that supports his claims of a large crowd. Two, so there’s no opportunity for a show of force that he can get off on and point out to his base.
I was having issues with my Audi years ago. I had a code reader and it said something about “fuel wiring at cylinder 3". Opened the hood, took off the engine cover and there was a nest and I saw a tail disappear deeper into the engine bay. Looked like a squirrel. I set off aerosol flee bombs under the car and it ran…
“It’s not that white people don’t care about their friends. It’s that they don’t think about racism. White people are immune to white supremacy so they don’t even consider that some of us are racism-intolerant.”