
Man, Obama showed us the lengths white folks will take once a black man is in charge. This is just another example. Not until a black man runs the show, do they decide to unionize. I myself belong to a union, but, this actually disgust me. Why, did it take this incident to make them want to unionize? And aligned with

WTF? Heal what world?

They searched his house. They found a joint.

I’d trust a pitbull first. At least you can see if their tail is wagging.

Black wellness doesn’t matter.

One hell of a header.

A late support check must have been due. 

If I was at that Olympic hockey game back in 1980, I might have uttered that phrase.

World level trolling! Damn!

“We’re a law firm.”

I don’t even like baseball but a friend gave me some tickets right in the 1st base line on half off food & drink night. The drunkest people around our section were 5 drunk white college boys. The usher had to walk down several times to tell them to watch their language.

So are they training this free labor pool?

Save those bullshit rules for the No Fun League. Let the kids have all the tricks they want. They’ll (some) get paid to do a job soon enough.

New? The Q60 has that Italian styling.

A lot of times the buyer knows more about the vehicle than the salesman at the dealership. Maybe not the tiny details you only get from the manual but I certainly knew more about the car I bought for my wife. Salesmen are not very well equipped to do more than get the car out the door. 

No! He didn’t, did he? WTF?


I still can’t believe this goony ass mofo sits in the White House.

They giving me a headache....

Swiss cheese has fewer holes than her story.