I’d forgotten about that one. A perfect example!
I’d forgotten about that one. A perfect example!
How the fuck do you issue police commands to someone when you walked all up in their space. No No No. Fuck alla dat.
I didn’t watch all last season and I haven’t this season. I’ve even been invited to a game because my cousin plays for the team. Still not watching.
Don’t worry, they don’t screen for content. I emailed them a scathing email criticizing them and got on their donor email list asking me for money several time a week. They really are as dumb as you think they are. Use Skype to call them, they’ll never take the time to figure out who you are.
They aren’t used to being told that they’re wrong. That thought probably never crossed her mind.
“....not all cynics”
How are they so fearful of their life that they’re shooting at fleeing suspects? That’s pretty much the definition of a non threat. The piece of shit fired his gun and had to come up with a reason for firing it.
Take your money out of that shitty place asap. I mean, it says who they are right on the building, “Bank of America.” Nothing good is gonna come out of there. Not now.
Oh, shit! Man, I forgot about a real threat. This mofo gone get somebody kilt.
“When it comes to black protest and the methods for achieving freedom and equality, the absolute last person anyone should ever listen to is a white man.”
I had a second gen 1985 RX7. Lasted 17 years (with another two years to a friends kid who finally killed it). All I ever did to it was shocks, breaks and alternator and a starter. No major mechanical breakdowns. I really wanted the 3rd gen RX7 by 2002 when I finally was ready to give the old one up but didn’t want to…
“I wanna speak to the manager!”
He’s certainly not my president.
I mean, Drumpf said he was gonna unify the country, didn’t he? Who else could make Comey, Cohen and Sessions seem like sympathetic figures in the eyes of those who don’t like to watch monster trucks crash into regular cars. Give the cretin some credit.
“You either get to be loud or wrong, but you can’t be both.”
You can get a manual in a Subaru too. Obviously the WRX but also the Forester.
Yea, fuck you. Really? Semantics. Go have a drink at that bar. It’ll be your favorite hang.
On the SF Bay Bridge during the ‘89 earthquake. Headed east towards Oakland on the bus just after the Treasure Island tunnel and before the break in the bridge. Ended up getting off the bus, walking back towards the island. My wife and I spent the night with the base chaplain who put us on a navy tugboat the next…
Man, I’m glad I’m boycotting the NFL. I looked at those and more than half of those, I’d call no penalty. A lot of them, the player penalized was trying to turn their head to hit with the shoulder. As soon as you bend over, the head and shoulder are going to be on the same plane. If the opposing player also lowers his…