
I’ve experienced the whole attraction to moe anime before without knowing why, then go back and try to re-watch it and find myself wondering why I ever liked the anime.

I look forward to this coming out, pretty please. FF7 got me started on FF games, and I haven’t liked one since X <aside from the mmos which I don’t think should be in the numbered series, but I enjoyed 11 and 14 ARR as well>.

Loved the hell out of this, me and a friend powered through it in one sitting, tons of fun, then he had to go to work, lol.

Not an arcade machine but I’ve definetly made my keyboard suffer, last time I just dug my hands into the keys and popd/broke several of them, definetly not my finest moment.

Yeah I have this happen a lot too, with ups as well. I’ll keep checking after it said delivered and suddenly it’ll be somewhere out west inexplicably after having been “delivered”.

I worked for a small pizzaria, if I didn’t make the pizza and the other guy did they would end up like these travesties.

Same experience here but with my mom, she would even play the machines with us.

I got Mei’s legendary <pink color> D.va’s legendary, Reinhardt’s legendary, and a few of the epic re color’s along with several emotes, sound effects, intros etc. I had pretty good drop rates and I never bought any boxes, just my 3 arcade boxes per week and however many lvl boxes I got<I think maybe 10>.

Now I wish I had vr and a computer that could handle it. Thanks for reminding me I am poor Mr Fahey.

Good cheap headset, still use mine. Should get another because I spilled soda on mine,lol.

Good cheap headset, still use mine. Should get another because I spilled soda on mine,lol.

I’m not a cereal fan, but I totally want the samoa cereal.

Now playing

My interactions online are more like this:

I never owned th n64 as a kid, so I was elated when it came to the 3ds. My first experience with the game and I absolutley loved it. It still had awesome factor to me.

I’m excited for Nioh, but I’ll probably quit it early on just like every souls game. I’m not good at the souls games or their clones.

I conned myself into watching that. I don’t like Knoxville, but I was like, “But it has Jackie Chan!” Yeah bad movie. Only good part was the russian doll scene.

It even has the essence of Hollywood! Gerralt fires crossbow directly at rider facing him, somehow bolt hits horse in its behind instead of in front. And to top it off at the end they ride away on the injured horse and its not so much as limping!

Meanwhile with that long ride to the flag his team got scored on and hes not helping them. Yeah he scored a point and its impressive, but what about the rest of the match? If they had even one defender this wouldn’t have been viable.

Well this is something I was never taught in school. I had no idea who Emmett Till was.