
Haha, yeah every time I play an Ace Attorney game I kinda just repaint everything in my mind as Japan.

I don’t like avocado or ranch, this makes me sad because I never special order items because its a pain in the butt/doing repetitive tasks yields the same results aka screwed up orders, and I don’t like spit in my food.

I think the skin is badass, may the Iris embrace you.

People will still squeal that they’ve been hooked.

Mei is my favorite Overwatch character. I honestly think she still looks more plump when you compare her to Tracer, D.VA, Widowmaker. I also knew she was slimmer than her unflattering clothes because winter gear, especially arctic gear is meant to keep you warm, so its not form fitting. Plus her summer games spray of

Agreed, they only want to give is Funko Pop crap.

Ika Musume.

Symmetra is already super annoying, with the Ana buff she becomes godlike infuriating.

So instead of trash we have a steaming pile of crap on top for sales.

I’d better get those skins or I’ll be a sad panda.

If its like Awakening I’m all for it. I liked Fates, but I’m more casual and like the extra battles to lvl up all my characters. Not having those in Fates: Conquest sucked for me because I spread out my character lvls too thin and didn’t have the energy to redo everything and didn’t finish.

Happy these are coming west, especially to my Vita. Sad how the original didn’t see an official release.

Welp, there goes a title I was looking forward to.

Lets start a petition then a kickstarter to get this resurrected!

Yeah I’m pretty sure there is something wrong with you, I regret even buying it on sale.

Daybreak denied me my refund for my purchase of Landmark founder’s pack <which was tied into EQ next>. I wonder if I can get a refund of 100 dollars now that they are closing down Landmark, probably not.

Aside from Persona 5 being my most wanted game, I saw the 20th anniversary of Parappa and wanted that just as much.

Just this once at any rate.