I hvent been able to find any links for Dual packs online. are we sure they are out yet?
I hvent been able to find any links for Dual packs online. are we sure they are out yet?
Same issue as everyone else, Got the email the link you provided does bring me to the app,
A HUGE issue that isn’t being talked about here is that he is doing this in Ranked Mode, not quick play. Ranked mode is all about working as a team and making changes as needed, where as he refuses to work as a teammate no matter what the situation is. HE might get flamed, but if hes bring the match to the fire both…
I can only hope someone losses their job over this.
According to a rep from Walmart see was incredibly surprised my order wasn’t canceled, and said all other orders were or would be and said i would be the first top get it as dumb as that sounds. Very glad i saved the convo window for the future
whats the point of having a PS4 Pro without a 4ktv?
I wasn’t fully aware Blizzard was fully bought out by EA, huge disappointment