
Lol ok. Yeah you got it. That EXACTLY what I'm saying

I've just read all your other comments. Don't worry about responding 💤

It only limits stories if the writers cannot write a compelling or meaningful way for it to happen. The reviewer liked the scene but if it had been empty or devoid of meaningful content it would have been offensive on a number of different levels

No we get it… we get what the story was and who the characters were. We have been watching this show too. Visuals and symbolism are important and the the symbolism of a white women telling an African American to resist is ridiculous. But as the reviewer said the pay off of the characters and the storyline kept it from…

There are some stunning/bleak films about the Aboriginal people. You should look up Ivan Sen, an indigenous director.

Aborigine needs a capital A at the least. David Gulpilil is Yolngu and a bloody national treasure.

TOOO FAR! Bet there was a woolies next door and everything

Well watch it first

Postcode was Victorian. Kev jr is going to Melbourne, Vic.

From the start I thought the viewpoints differed so much because of the guilt involved. Both parties were trying to distance and rationalise their actions. I thought that was completely understandable.