Ceci N'est Pas Un Burner

There are definitely some white actors who...relish in getting to use offensive language under the cover of a script. The same way that there are some male actors who enjoy getting to use horrific language towards women in a judgement free environment. And it’s usually pretty easy to tell. It always made me feel gross

Jill Stein knows she’s not actually running for president. That’s why she can do (good! this is good to bring more vis to this protest) stuff like this.

I experienced complete revulsion when asked to wear the official religious garb, and I am grateful that secular spaces were a refuge from the modesty rules.

Oh, I don’t consider my genitals a pejorative. I sure do consider cunt a pejorative, though, and you are one. Fuck you you disengenuous bitch cock-goblin. See, I’m an equal opportunity genital-name thrower :)

Haven’t there been studies that show that you retain info better taking notes longhand? I always bring that up when everyone around me is laptopping and I pull out a notebook.

I wasn’t talking about France. I phrased it that way because I’ve lived in places that were like that with non-Muslim religious sects, and I thought it might be helpful to step away from the French situation, because it’s clearly a very heated topic at the moment. I understand if you are too emotionally caught up in

I do understand what “if” means. You came into this thread arguing that CPS shouldn’t have been involved. And, I’m good with calling women a cunt. I am a woman, dumbass. And you’re a fucking bitchass cunt.

I don’t care what people think! People can force every woman who enters their PRIVATE HOME to cover themselves from head to toe twice, if they want! People can require men to wear beekeeping suits in their church. People can walk around all day thinking “look at these secular whores showing their shoulders and ankles.

I never said he was sexually aroused by his son. You continue to ignore or deliberately misrepresent what I’m saying. I’m saying it’s NOT appropriate or healthy behavior to act out sexually in this way in front of your child. Full stop. That’s my argument. What is your problem with that?

I don’t give a shit about an individual woman’s choice for wearing a garment. I don’t give a shit if a woman says she’s wearing something for “feminist” reasons. I think, in a society it should be unacceptable for people to make it clear that the believe women should be covered—I;M NOT SAYING POLICE SHOULD BE

It’s my understanding that Europe generally has a different use of free speech than America does—hate speech is not generally protected, for example. I just don’t think that these kinds of values which are not in line with a modern society should be allowed to be promoted—I’m not saying that a ban on religious

You literally don’t even understand why people are arguing with you.


Just so we’re clear: “publically espouse” means they would be saying out loud, wearing a symbol/clothing, etc. Nothing about what’s inside someone’s mind or “thought policing.” How did most of Europe make it illegal to wear Nazi paraphanalia? Is that also thought policing? How is it against the law now to verbally

I’m down!

It’s almost like we’ve become less beholden to religion as we move through time! I’m so glad that France is cowtowing LESS to religion in 2016 than they were in 1905. In 1905 women couldn’t vote and France was still an active colonial power—are you really arguing that they were better at decision making than modern

I find that slippery slope argument a bit absurd, but I also don’t have a good answer to it. No, it does not extend to freedom from looking at religious people in public, and that’s not what I’m asking for. My argument has nothing to do with what I want or what I experience, it has to do with the ability of a country

Well I think we should (I mean, I don’t think there should be state perpetrated violence against anyone, but I also don’t think patriarchal and regressive belief systems should be given respect just because they involve a higher power). I know a lot of people here aren’t into that strict secularism—and I’m sad that

Just want to point out that France does espose a form of secularism that involves no shows of religion in public spaces (theoretically). I think this is a valid goal, though different from multicultural secularism. Obviously, the way that they are policing these particular swimsuits is heavy handed, misguided, and

This is a fucking public forum. You are dumb. If you want to have a private conversation don’t do it in the comments on jezebel dot com.