It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.
It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.
Uhh I'm pretty sure Oprah was a self made billionaire before this woman
Sorry, but with all do respect you are just doing what you accuse. It is sad that three young people died but this is not a case of the cops shooting someone unarmed etc. and this is not some nice lake out there where you go swim. This is a proper FL swamp, gators, snakes, mudd that sucks you in like a glue trap plus…
I missed the part where the cops knew their names at the time they aborted the rescue attempt.
Veep is not “a more prestigious role” than Senator. Senators can actually get things done, especially if she’s interested in being Majority Leader and setting the agenda.
Stop trying to get EW to leave the senate, guys! She’s where she wants to be, and what’s more, we NEED her there. We WANT her there. We want her to be there for years and years, to have important positions on powerful committees, to build long-term relationships and the influence that comes with them, and to have the…
Nope nope nope nope nope NOOOOOPE PLEASE everyone stop saying that Warren should be the running mate. She can do SO MUCH MORE GOOD where she is right now than she ever could possibly do as VP.
It might not cost the party those seats, but it very well could cost some individual Senators their jobs. And I don't think they want that.
Honestly, this is such a genius move from Obama. If they finally grow up and approve him? Great, we get a really brilliant moderate to replace asshole conservative Scalia. Huge step up.
At first I thought that maybe the Republican stance of no hearing for a nominee until after the election was a clever ploy by them to get Obama to nominate exactly the type of moderate he nominated. But then I remembered these people aren’t that smart. Now they can fucking live with whoever Bernie or Hillary…
I think Charlie Sheen said it best, “you’re not paying for sex, you’re paying for them to go away.”
That rape crisis gag order thing is what pisses me off the most. In my opinion that makes him just as bad as Trump or Cruz. What kind of a sick fucker threatens to defund rape crisis centers if they tell women that an abortion is an option.
Oh yeah, he’s like a lit fuse. You know it’s bad when ragemonster John McCain says you’ve got a hair trigger.
I’m thinking that, unlike some other candidates, he’s been getting positive enough reactions (even with low polling numbers) that it’s not a career risk to stay in the race. Jeb! was being mocked, Rubio had started to be mocked, but it seems like Kasich has managed to raise his profile while giving himself a moderate,…
the only reason kasich has looked even vaguely moderate or reasonable is because he has been standing next to trump and cruz. his supposed mild manner is the foundation for his campaign’s continued existence, and that’s as slender as a toothpick.
I expect it from him. He’s an asshole. But it’s more depressing to me that the people who support him just take it as fact without even bothering to step back and analyze why he’s calling her crazy. Because she merely criticized him? That makes her crazy? Him throwing out the word is expected, but having the word…
This is a perfect example of creating a monster and then losing control of your monster while it eats its way through the country.
Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.
I feel so weird when the NFL does something right for a change.