
Elvis wasn't fat when he met Nixon. He was overweight only during his last two years. And by today's standards he wasn't obese, just bloated by all the prescription drugs he was taking.

"he was deliberately choosing a third side".
Of course he was. The side of $$$$. He couldn't care less about the people, any people. Only two things have ever mattered for for Bono: his ego and his bank account.
Don't forget that all his business interests (recording contracts) are with British or American

Yes, they loved Elvis, everybody did in those days. If you go to Liverpool you can see the set lists for their early concers, nearly all covers of Elvis songs.

Yes, he was incredibly talented and handsome, which is why there has always been and still so much hatred/envy surrounding him.

Elvis also used his clout. In Houston they didn't want his black backing group The Sweet Inspirations. Elvis said no Inspirations, no Elvis.

Please provide proof of Elvis being a "straight out racist".  All the EVIDENCE is to the contrary, but I anxiously await your documentation of Elvis the racist.

No discussion of Elvis Presley's film career would be complete without Sheila O'Malleys marvellous insights. See Why I refuse to be Sad about Elvis Presley