
I want to clarify that I don't know anything about what the name is referring to, but something about the combination of terms "nasty" and "pig" just evokes a visceral reaction in me. It's up there with "moist" in terms of "words that make me shudder." I know they're catering to a demographic and I know it's not me. I

Also! WTH is Nasty Pig? I don't mean the company, I mean the name. Is this slang that I as a straight midwesterner am totally unaware of? Those ads make me really, really uncomfortable because the name grosses me out so much. What's up with that?

Hmmm, to me, she didn't look like a chubby girl. She looked like a boy wearing a bra. It totally ruined the illusion for me. I feel like some better underwear/shapewear would have made the moment a little smoother. (and I am a chubby girl, so I know of whence I speak)