@smertlagel: At least someone gets it. The article's comparison of a video codec that can be decoded natively through HTML5 to a third party browser plugin is just ridiculous.
@smertlagel: At least someone gets it. The article's comparison of a video codec that can be decoded natively through HTML5 to a third party browser plugin is just ridiculous.
@albeec13: Ah, yes, that's what I meant.
@TheNobleRobot: Exactly. We're measuring a third-party browser plug-in with the same ruler as a video codec that is accessed natively via HTML5 and does not conform to its standards.
@John Addis: Hmm, I wrote a lengthy comment about that and didn't realize you had written something to the effect. Either way, agreed.
I don't know what you're getting at, Matt. H.264 is a video codec, whereas Flash Player is a runtime environment for much more than just web video.
@ME-4 12: My wife already switched. She has a Droid Incredible. After using it for a while, I'll pass on Android. The user experience is too inconsistent and fidgety for my taste.
@ME-4 12: Yep, that's my current situation. I will be switching to VZW this summer.
@ME-4 12: Try having zero bars at your house, so that you can't make/receive calls or even send/receive text messages.
@Norbs: Err... I never said Android was original. I also would choose iOS if I was given the choice between it and Android. I have, in fact, made that choice.
My best moment in Red Dead Redemption was when Jose Gonzales's "Far Away" started playing as I rode into Mexico. It was unexpected and surreal, and instantly upgraded my perception of the game from "awesome western game" to "work of art" and "best game I've played this year".
@Norbs: If it's your opinion that Apple reacts to nothing, and the market is always left scrambling to copy what they invent, I'll stop this here too.
@ArightDoom: nèe conebone69: Word.
@Norbs: OMG dude it's not reactive OK! Apple reacts to nothing; they invent everything and everyone copies. The end.
@shkm: I quit Aion because I stopped having fun, after I had to do significant grinding to advance after lvl 28.
@vitalizm: But this is through Amazon, so I don't know if this is something that can be avoided that way.
I felt tempted, then I read somewhere that I have to forgo my unlimited data plan. No thanks.
@J Dub: Luckily for me, I'm not the kind of person that has to have the latest stuff, as long as it works for me. If Honeycomb ends up being more polished than Android has been so far, it'll be a tough decision between the Moto Xoom, a webOS tablet or the iPad 2.
This sounds real good. I'll wait for the HP/Palm announcement on February, and the iPad 2 announcement before I make my decision on which tablet to buy.
@RacecarBoobTat: V3. I say by 2016 Surfaces get to invade the home.
Negative Nancy over here.