
I like to Imagine a better world.



Trying to summarize the "honest rawness" of the situation.

Sith Army Knife.

First, a quick reminder of what exactly arrived on Thursday. The first Mario Kart 8 DLC pack included three new characters: Cat Peach, Tanooki Mario, and Link. Yes, that Link. Of The Legend of Zelda fame. It also included four new vehicles (complete with a few extra loadout items—i.e., wheels and gliders), and eight

First, a quick reminder of what exactly arrived on Thursday. The first Mario Kart 8 DLC pack included three new characters: Cat Peach, Tanooki Mario, and Link. Yes, that Link. Of The Legend of Zelda fame. It also included four new vehicles (complete with a few extra loadout items—i.e., wheels and gliders), and eight

It's the Zelda cycle. Everyone always complains about the previous entry, until it eventually is appreciated.

Last I'd heard though, a glass of wine is infinitely better for you than a slice of cake. blah blah blah moderation.

I drink beer and scotch. That's where my knowledge (and my heart) lie. I know of no foods I would swap out for a glass of a good single malt. If people don't want to gain weight, go exercise.

The most important tip I can give you for playing Mario Kart 8 is this — be the first person to cross the finish line. If you don't master this skill I guarantee you will never win a race. I don't care how you do it — maybe use some of the tips from earlier — just finish first, and you'll always win.


Calm your tits. "Intel Core i7" is a very vague statement, and encompasses at least five different microarchitectures. A Nehalem Core i7 960 can be easily overpowered by a Sandy Bridge Core i5 2500k, from two generations later.

Any of those extra costs would of course trickle down to customers like us, making our regular hobbies—Netflix, online gaming, and who knows what else—significantly more expensive.

OH FOR THE LOVE OF....... YES! WE GET IT! YOU DON'T LIKE STAR WARS! Could you look past yourself and just give a Fuck one time about someone who does! Or has you being a big Hollywood star driven that kind of empathy out of you?


That was rather good! I started working on a Lord of the Rings/Middle Earth style version, but I never got around to finishing it up unfortunately!

I watched it for the plot.