
Again. Baby yoda came first. This is the way.

I wish you had a subtitle before starting the article.

I like to think the Gerudo are just trans lady positive. They do seem aware about Link not being a cis woman in town but still accept Link when wearing female clothes. They just take Link wearing other clothes to be a cis guy.

Given how fast-paced so much children’s entertainment (and adult entertainment!) is, the slowness might be a good thing for developing attention spans if it’s pretty enough to keep the eyeballs.

Or Hanako.

Yeah, I think buying anything beyond 1080p for a home set is pointless right now. Wait til it starts getting hard to find HD content, then buy whatever’s most common at that point. It’s the only way to avoid overpaying for capabilities that will be ditched in a few years.

For a time I was using vodka for this, but somehow that stuff disappeared elsewhere. : )

That chart also represents my Pokemon Go usage before and after the removal of every kind of tracking available on the game and on outside sources.

I can tell using either of these three ways, which don’t even require an external website:

Well you recommended that Jetta owners should trade in their Jetta for a fancier (used!) Jetta so clearly yes.

Ghibli rarely do “pure evil/villain” and prefer to go on “Other side” route.

Dear god. As always, the comment section is a cesspool of emotional immaturity and rampant neomasculine misogyny. I love reading your stuff, Harris. It’s insightful, smart, funny and sometimes helpful! It’s a breath of fresh air in an internet filled with man-children. However, in all my time perusing your articles

The reason I rinse mine” raccoons.

I do it to stop flies, pests and local wildlife coming to my bins for a meal. Doesn’t stink as much either if you only need to take your bin out once a week.

Whether or not you have to, rinsing will help prevent your recycling from stinking up the place.

Isn’t it cheating if he uses glue?

Amazing how they haven’t made it so that you dont see the games you already own on the store.Just baffles the mind that something so simple has not been implemented.I share your woes.

lol that would’ve sparked so many more theories! Joakim Mogrem would’ve appeared instead in the video!

Do you plan on sitting closer to the TV in 5 years? No? Then buy a 1080p now. I’ll buy 4k when a 75”+ OLED is reasonably priced. Anyone who buys a 60” or smaller 4k TV and sits 10’ or farther from it is an idiot.

ugh no thanks. this game’s story was just the worst, and it honestly pissed me off how its second half basically tasked you with replaying all of the first half’s story missions, with most of the cutscenes tying it together being simple re-plays of cutscenes from the first half. for a game with such depth, it seems so