I'd argue 90% of 3D games eventually age to shit while 2D games age like wine and never get bad. Think about it. I could be wrong, but show me a BAD 2D looking game. Sure, old school Pokemon is a bit pixelated and simple, but it doesn't hurt the eyes. But some of the original 3D games on the N64 or…
Reminder: Cold Season is starting, and cows seek warmth from cars. Do not forget to give your horn a few toots before starting your car. Re-post please! :-P
Last I checked, there ARE other games on there worth the PS3 experience.
It might depend on the context of the cheat. For example, if it's a test to determine mental aptitude and you cheat, you might not feel better about it because when you get your results back you know they won't be honest, and you know you can't use that score as a reflector of your true self.
However, if it's something…
Agreed. Unlike some, my hands are symmetrical. And playing any FPS games, my thumb almost never touched a face button.
Also someone clearly didn't watch the end of The Wolverine.
Not having the grooved outline there makes cleaning a little easier!
you would think that the more hardware you gys buy, the more money they get. With stuff being tied to hardware instead of accounts they are biting themselves in the tail.
But you've already got a Triforce of Special Edition consoles! Throwing this one to the mix would create a...... QUADforce!
Aw, crap, we're almost an anime with an interesting set-up but overall disappointing execution and sloppy plot rife with obnoxious anime/ waifu stereotypes? :\
Think they're all being outdone by whoever's playing this fantastic Pikachu
Father's day.
I am not sure what to say. One part of me say "Supply and Demand. It happens.". Another part of me says that is a really fucked up practice especially if they are saying "Fuck you people who didn't pay the extra money" and from the looks of it, that is pretty much what they are saying.
Those are obviously for the giant spiders.
you emulate a game and use an external controler.... WHY dont you just buy a console specific for that instead of being a try hard and going at it the cheap way?
Reminds me of when I first USED an Xbox 360 controller after having a SNES-type one before it and during quick-time-events, I kept mashing the wrong button until I mentally re-worked the button layout. Now I have no trouble going in between the two.
It's no longer tank control. You don't have to press R2 to walk. You move your character with the left analog stick, just like in every other third person game :) that part is way better. You can't freely control the camera with the right stick, but you use it so your character can look around in the environment. The…