

Someone on Gawker once responded to my comment pointing out his misogyny by saying, “Says the fat woman who men ignore.”

It’s not a good look to Ye, because every time you write about this rapist, they gonna mention Kanye.

I don’t know who this person is or the details of the rape accusations but as a PSA Note to all men: if you want people to think you’re NOT a mysoginistic asshole try not to use the word “bitch” when denying that you’re a rapist.

I really like Amber Rose. She’s bomb and amazing they she is giving these women a platform to tell their stories. Especially because let’s face it, law enforcement and the legal system is practically never on the victim’s side.


Yep, the true inheritor of Stewart’s crown is Samantha Bee’s incisive Full Frontal. I can’t even remember the last time I watched a clip of The Daily Show, much less a full episode.

He is emphatically unfunny and while I also doubt he wrote this tweet it’s in line with his particular brand of bad comedy.

She was too old for the role—and so was Maguire.

Captain America got the ages right: Peter Parker is a teenager and Aunt May is middle aged. It’s also refreshing to see Tony Stark preferring age-appropriate women.

“I am a conservative, I like to keep what we have.”
Like slaves and racism.

THIS is the argument I’ve had with those who I consider NOT my friends (also know as the “An AR doesn’t do that much damage” cuntbags). I work in Emergency Medicine and believe me, If I had to (touch wood) be shot with a gun and a choice, I’d go handgun/pistol all the way. That’s repairable (mostly; unless someone has

Not terribly surprising that someone thinks Amy Schumer is an asshole, but the fact that Notaro got so visibly upset instead of playing the whole thing off with a joke indicates a helluvalot more than mere prickly feelings.

Tig for the win (always). I like Schumer but she was out of line on this one. Commenting on Tig’s appearance (perceived) and personal experience on the road are none of her business and speculation.

File this one under “How Not To Be An Ally.”

It’s a way to signal her queerness. This sort of patronizing attitude is something many lesbians or lesbian feminists face from “well-intentioned” hetero feminists. In the 70's, (white) hetero feminists referred to the lesbian feminists at conferences as the lavender menace. God bless Mme. Friednan.

Straight, white lady privilege talk.

I mean...

Regardless of the merits, this is REALLY bad timing, dude. Your name is going to be handcuffed to BROCK TURNER UNREPENTANT STANFORD RAPIST forever.